Zoom to selected objects

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill Voigt, Jan 31, 2004.

  1. Bill Voigt

    Bill Voigt Guest

    I often use Quick Select to select objects for subsequent manipulation.
    However, I would like to see which items I'm about to manipulate. It would
    be very cool to have a routine that takes the list of selected objects and
    zoom or pan to each object individually. I have searched high & low for an
    existing lisp or vba routine that would perform this seemingly desirable

    Has anyone created such a function?

    It would be similar in functionality to the Zoom to button in the TextFind

    Bill Voigt, Jan 31, 2004
  2. Hi Bill,

    I did this for Land Desktop Alignments, but for AutoCAD things it's probably
    even easier.

    All you need is to get the bounding box of the object and then do a zoom
    window based on the bounding box co-ordinates.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 31, 2004
  3. ....Or use AcadApp.ZoomCenter with appropriate object coordinates and zoom
    factor (say, 30, for example).

    Maksim Sestic
    Maksim Sestic, Jan 31, 2004
  4. Bill Voigt

    SpeedCAD Guest


    I hope that this routine help you...

    Private Sub ZoomTexto()
    Dim sSeleccion As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim cSeleccion As AcadSelectionSets
    Dim vCodigo As Variant
    Dim vEntidad As Variant
    Dim codigo(0) As Integer
    Dim entidad(0) As Variant
    Dim ObjTexto As AcadEntity
    Dim n As Integer
    n = 1
    Dim minP1 As Variant, maxP1 As Variant
    AppActivate autocadApp.Caption
    Set cSeleccion = autocadApp.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets
    For Each sSeleccion In cSeleccion
    If sSeleccion.Name = "SS" Then
    Exit For
    End If
    Set sSeleccion = cSeleccion.Add("SS")
    codigo(0) = 0
    entidad(0) = "TEXT,MTEXT"
    vCodigo = codigo
    vEntidad = entidad
    sSeleccion.SelectOnScreen vCodigo, vEntidad
    For Each ObjTexto In sSeleccion
    ObjTexto.GetBoundingBox minP1, maxP1
    autocadApp.ZoomWindow minP1, maxP1
    If n < sSeleccion.Count Then
    autocadApp.ActiveDocument.Utility.Prompt vbCr & "Zoom a: " & ObjTexto.TextString & vbCr
    autocadApp.ActiveDocument.Utility.Prompt vbCr & "Zoom a: " & ObjTexto.TextString & vbCrLf
    autocadApp.ActiveDocument.SendCommand Chr(3)
    End If
    n = 1 + n
    Next ObjTexto
    End Sub

    Un saludo de SpeedCAD... :)
    FORO: http://www.hispacad.com/foro
    SpeedCAD, Jan 31, 2004
  5. Bill Voigt

    wivory Guest

    I've posted the following routine before. It doesn't specifically address what you've asked for, but there are a couple of aspects that could be useful to what you're doing.

    I wrote ShowPoint to use when I'm debugging an application and I want to see where a particular issue is occurring. It will draw a coloured sphere at the specified coordinates and then zoom in incrementally to that point so you can get a perspective of where it is in the entire drawing. It does this by specifying a desired ZoomSize and a number of ZoomSteps to get there. Finally it pops up a message box to pause the action but cleverly drags the box out of the way so you can see what you're looking at.

    Const X As Byte = 0, Y As Byte = 1, Z As Byte = 2
    Const MAXINT As Integer = 32767

    Private Sub ShowPoint(ByVal ptv As Variant, Optional ZoomSize As Double = 7500)
    Dim Sphere As Acad3DSolid, I As Single, ViewSize As Double, ViewCtr() As Double, StepCount As Byte
    Dim OriginalLayer As AcadLayer
    Const SphereRadius As Double = 100, ZoomSteps As Integer = 10

    Set OriginalLayer = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer
    ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("Show")
    If UBound(ptv) < Z Then ptv = Coord(ptv(X), ptv(Y), 0)
    ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.LayerOn = True
    ThisDrawing.SendCommand "shademode" & vbCr & "O" & vbCr
    ViewSize = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("VIEWSIZE") ' Rem Could alternatively Name the original view and restore that when finished.
    ViewCtr = UCStoWCS(ThisDrawing.GetVariable("VIEWCTR"))
    Set Sphere = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddSphere(ptv, SphereRadius)
    Sphere.Color = acMagenta
    For I = 1 To 100: DoEvents: Next I ' Pause for a moment
    For I = ViewSize To ZoomSize Step (ZoomSize - ViewSize) / (ZoomSteps - 1)
    ZoomCenter Coord(((Sphere.Centroid(X) * StepCount) + (ViewCtr(X) * (ZoomSteps - StepCount))) / ZoomSteps, ((Sphere.Centroid(Y) * StepCount) + (ViewCtr(Y) * (ZoomSteps - StepCount))) / ZoomSteps, ((Sphere.Centroid(Z) * StepCount) + (ViewCtr(Z) * (ZoomSteps - StepCount))) / ZoomSteps), I
    StepCount = StepCount + 1 ' We want StepCount to be zero on the first iteration to make the Coord code line above clearer
    Next I
    ZoomCenter Sphere.Centroid, ZoomSize: Sphere.Update
    SendKeys "% m{DOWN 52}{RIGHT 72}{ENTER}" ' Drag the subsequent Message Box into the corner so we can see the point
    MsgBox ""
    Set Sphere = Nothing
    ZoomCenter ViewCtr, ViewSize
    ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = OriginalLayer
    End Sub

    Private Function Coord(ByVal ptX As Double, ByVal ptY As Double, Optional ByVal ptZ As Double = MAXINT) As Double()
    Dim pt() As Double

    If ptZ = MAXINT Then
    ' 2D
    ReDim pt(0 To 1)
    pt(X) = ptX: pt(Y) = ptY
    ' 3D
    ReDim pt(0 To 2)
    pt(X) = ptX: pt(Y) = ptY: pt(Z) = ptZ
    End If
    Coord = pt()
    End Function


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Feb 11, 2004
  6. Bill Voigt

    wivory Guest

    Forgot this companion routine.

    Private Function UCStoWCS(ByVal ptv As Variant) As Variant
    If UBound(ptv) < 2 Then ReDim Preserve ptv(LBound(ptv) To 2)
    UCStoWCS = ThisDrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(ptv, acUCS, acWorld, False)
    End Function


    wivory, Feb 11, 2004
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