your take on CAD 'standards'

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by zenboom, May 31, 2005.

  1. zenboom

    zenboom Guest

    Here's a newbie's question for the group.

    I recently began using CAD, and would like to improve work
    I believe there must be more useful ways, in your experience, to organise
    drawings [of which I have yet little knowledge].

    For instance, what layer standard / arrangement would you recommend for
    compatibillity or flexibillity or...etc. Where would one look up info like

    Also, how would *you* assign colours from, say, the aCAD colour pallet. By
    what rationale could one assign colours [CAD or other] ?

    I am interested in both conventional practise and innovative concepts. What
    structures do you find useful?
    zenboom, May 31, 2005
  2. zenboom

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    There are a bunch of standards, depending in which country you are working.
    EU for Europe, BS for Britain and ANSI for America. There are also some ISO
    standards supposedly for world wide conformity. Take your pick. BTW Autodesk
    Architectural Desktop has its own standards.
    uNkulunkulu, May 31, 2005
  3. I recommend:

    1 Devising standards optimized for the work you do.
    2 Making standards easy to follow. <see 1 above>
    3 Use letter/number prefixes/suffixes for layer groups.
    4 Develop custom routines to make #2 above.
    5 Depending on office size, provide a concise manual.
    6 Centrally collect standard office blocks for consistency.
    7 Insist on compliance, but build in some flexibility for individual and
    8 Accept criticism from the people who draw, and be open to improvements.
    9 Don't forget about accuracy. Always draw precisely.
    10 Drawings should be easy on the eyes! We are still draftsmen.
    Michael Bulatovich, May 31, 2005
  4. zenboom

    Modat22 Guest

    Design your layer standards for what you do and try to keep it simple.
    Generally assume a 6th grade understanding level. I say 6th grade
    level not to insult anyone but if someone isn't conforming to the
    standards they can't use complexity as the reason behind it.

    I personally like keeping project xrefs and the project sheets in
    different locations where the location name is easy to understand and
    designed once again for a 6th grade level person to understand.
    Modat22, May 31, 2005
  5. zenboom

    Cadalot Guest

    Well said Mike.....

    I would add............

    1) forget paper manual use an internal intranet. cover the items for
    the three types of cad operators
    a) Those that get the book out and record every thing you say
    b) The normal get on with it user and...
    c) The Power User (Normally the Official or Un-official CAD
    2) Make the standards such that it makes AutoCAD LazyCAD and they will
    be used.
    3) Involve staff in the creation of them, in that way they make them
    their own and will adopt them more readily
    4) Spot the Maverick in the bunch and get him/her on your side or use
    step 3) above to impose peer pressure.
    5) Get Management behind you such that you do have the ability and
    power to enforce if required (last step, if you have to do this then
    you have failed to manage the staff, but then sometimes they won't be
    managed !)
    Cadalot, Jun 2, 2005
  6. All good points too, Alan, and from a more managerial perspective. Good
    stuff. The best CAD shop I worked in had you sign a letter when you started
    promising to only draw according to the protocol, and to make compliant
    anything you did that wasn't .....
    on your own time (without pay). That got my attention at the beginning, I'll
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 2, 2005
  7. zenboom

    Saab Guy Guest


    I am surprised you accepted that, given the "without pay" section which is ridiculous.

    Saab Guy, Oct 20, 2005
  8. I went into it with my eyes wide open. I had no intention of deviating from
    the protocol under any circumstances and took this to mean that this is what
    the employer wanted. It was a contract. The employment agreement is a
    contract too. They want you to do "A", and they will give you "X" dollars.
    If you knowingly go and do "Y", and it is of limited or no value to them, it
    seems like a breach of the contract to me, relieving them of their end of
    it. I didn't HAVE to accept the terms...I could have worked elsewhere.

    They want it done their way, and have the right to expect it IMHO. A
    thorough manual was presented to new people, and time was allotted for
    reading it. Senior cad staff were identified as the people to ask if you
    were confused. They never said hesitated to help with questions. Everything
    you needed to succeed in holding up your end of the contract was in place. I
    had no trouble with it, and after a few months, they allowed me to deviate
    from the protocol to explore the productivity of paperspace.....after I
    proved that I was not a cowboy.
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 20, 2005
  9. zenboom

    Happy Trails Guest

    Consider the obverse position.

    "I will not bother to learn my employers standards."

    "I will not adhere to the standards, causing lost time for myself and
    my co-workers and clients."

    "My employer will pay me to do so."

    Who'd want a guy like that working for them?

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Oct 21, 2005
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