Yearly Maintenance fees being dropped ...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by iQ, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. iQ

    iQ Guest

    I have been instructed by management to realign our SolidWorks serial
    numbers to the number of users that we currently have. So I am
    adjusting our serial numbers on production installations to take us to
    7 serial numbers (actually own 17 SWx office licenses and 1 SWx-only
    license). The rest of the serial numbers that we have will have their
    maintenance fees dropped until we have users to support this need,
    this might be years. Due to the economic conditions, I currently only
    have 6 mechanical CAD users left in-house (all others have been laid-
    off) that will run SWx office and one outside company that has the SWx-
    only software license.

    What does “Yearly Maintenance fees being dropped” mean?
    1. I can still install SolidWorks up to the version of software that
    was available when I dropped the maintenance fee.
    2. I can still activate SolidWorks up to the version of software that
    was available when I dropped the maintenance fee.
    3. I cannot get support for serial numbers that have dropped the
    maintenance fees, after the version of software that was available
    when I dropped the maintenance fee. This support, if available, must
    come directly from SWx corp. not the VAR for this non-maintained
    4. I cannot upgrade to a higher version of software after the version
    of software that was available when I dropped the maintenance fee
    unless I reinstate maintenance on the serial number.

    I still have a couple of months until my first set of licenses has
    this maintenance fee issue. I am checking into the implications
    still. If I can still install, activate and run the older software,
    then I do not see any real problem. Any comments from users that have
    had this situation, please reply. iQ
    iQ, Mar 16, 2009
  2. iQ

    That70sTick Guest

    Sounds right.

    I let my personal SW 2007 seat lapse. Don't need it, probably won't
    for a long time. By the time I might need it ,it would be cheaper to
    just get a new seat.
    That70sTick, Mar 16, 2009
  3. iQ

    TOP Guest

    If you don't upgrade to the next version then you will have all 17
    seats available. Get the service packs in install them. If you should
    have to go to 2010 and assuming you are now on 2009 then you can build
    upstream parts in 2009 and convert them to 2010 in the assembly and
    drawing phases. Personally I would still be on 2008 or 2007 till I
    really needed to upgrade anyway.

    TOP, Mar 17, 2009
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