XY and Z to File

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Walid Khalid, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. Walid Khalid

    Walid Khalid Guest


    There is a good freeware in www.gisplus.co.nz


    I'm wondering if you can help me with these LISP's that I have.
    They both work, but I'd like them to work with a few less keystrokes. One
    makes you enter a "z" coordinate in case the "z" coordinate of the object
    is "0". I'm not fluent in LISP so I don't know the reasoning behind that.
    They were written by someone else and were not intended to be used as
    shareware, so I hope you don't have a problem helping me alter the
    LISP's. I am not going to use these LISP's for any reason other than
    personal use to write coords to files to put into a surfacing program.
    It's alot faster than writing the files from scratch.
    If you happen to be the author of either of these LISP's, please
    respond any way you see fit.

    This one I'd like to get it to automatically assign a file name and NOT
    have to enter a "z" coordinate "in case" the objects are at "0"
    elevation. Also, it put an "X" on the object I pick with a number I have
    to begin with. it seems to be too much for a 'simple' LISP.

    **** points.lsp ****

    ; -----------------
    ; Unmodified copies of this program and the accompanying documentation
    may be
    ; made and distributed freely without charge. Under no circumstances
    ; this program or the accompanying documentation be distributed as part
    of any
    ; for-profit venture, without expressed written permission from the
    ; POINTS is a simple program which allows you generate a coordinate
    ; file by picking points within an AutoCAD drawing file. To run POINTS,
    ; load POINTS.LSP (see AutoCAD Reference Manual), type "POINTS" and press
    ; [Enter]. POINTS will first prompt you for an output coordinate
    ; You must enter a valid DOS filename at this point. The coordinate file
    ; produced will be in the following format:
    ; POINTS will then prompt you for a starting point number, and a default
    ; elevation. POINTS reads the "x" & "y" coordinates from the picked
    ; and will also read the "z" coordinate if it is not equal to "0". If
    the "z"
    ; coordinate of a particular point is equal to "0", POINTS will assign
    ; default elevation entered by the user to that point. Note that the
    ; point will only have a "z" coordinate if the point is a specific point
    on an
    ; existing drawing entity (ie: ENDPT, INT, etc.). The default elevation
    ; be changed by pressing [Enter] at the "Next Point:" prompt. You will
    ; be prompted for a new default elevation. If [Enter] is pressed again
    ; entering a new elevation, the POINTS program will terminate.
    ; POINTS uses the default (current) text style and layer.
    ; If you have any questions or comments concerning POINTS, I may be
    ; via THE SPECTRUM BBS þ (501) 521-5639
    ; * ERROR trapping *
    (defun *ERROR* ()
    ; * End of program *
    (defun EOP ()
    (setvar "CMDECHO" POINTS_CE)
    (setvar "PDMODE" POINTS_PDM)
    (setvar "PDSIZE" POINTS_PDS)
    ; * Get points *
    (defun GETPOINTS()
    (while (/= (setq NP (getpoint "\nNext Point: ")) nil)
    (command "POINT" NP)
    (command "TEXT" NP 0.0 (strcat " " (itoa BPN)))
    (setq pt (cdr np))

    (if (= (car (cdr PT)) 0)
    (setq ZPT (getvar "ELEVATION"))
    (progn (setq Z (cdr PT))
    (setq ZPT (car Z))
    (command "ELEV" ZPT "")
    ) ;end if

    (setq outline (strcat (itoa BPN) " " ;POINT NUMBER
    (rtos (car PT) 2 4) " " ;Y
    (rtos (car NP) 2 4) " " ;X
    (rtos ZPT 2 4) "\n") ;Z

    (princ OUTLINE OF)
    (princ OUTLINE)
    (setq BPN (1+ BPN))
    ) ;end while
    ; * Main program *
    (defun C:pOINTS ()
    (setq S (getvar "LTSCALE"))
    (setq POINTS_CE (getvar "CMDECHO"))
    (setq POINTS_PDM (getvar "PDMODE"))
    (setq POINTS_PDS (getvar "PDSIZE"))
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (setvar "PDMODE" 3)
    (setvar "PDSIZE" (* s 0.05))

    (prompt "\n ")
    (prompt "\nP O I N T S v1.1 -- Copyright (c) 1992 by Kurtis J. Jones
    / -Mate Software")
    (prompt "\n ")

    (setq OF (open (getstring "\nFilename: ") "a"))
    (setq BPN (getint "\nStarting Point No.: "))
    (setq NELEV (getreal "\nEnter Elevation: "))

    (while (/= NELEV nil)
    (command "ELEV" NELEV "")
    (setq NELEV (getreal "\nEnter Elevation: "))

    (close OF)


    This LISP seemed so simple to modify to include a "z" coordinate, but I
    couldn't get it to work by adding what I thought would make it "Z"
    friendly. It just does "x" and "y" coords.

    **** p2file.lsp****

    (defun c:p2file( / pickpt pointlist ctr xpt ypt outfilename outfile)

    (setq ctr 0
    pickpt T
    pointlist nil) ;;defaults

    (while pickpt
    (setq pickpt (getpoint "\nSelect point, [Enter] when complete "))
    (if pickpt (setq PointList (append PointList (list PickPt))))
    ) ;while

    ;;get the filename from the user
    (setq OutFilename (getfiled "Select Output File" "" "txt" 1))

    ;;open the file for writing
    (setq OutFile (open OutFilename "w"))

    ;;process the point list
    (if (and PointList OutFile)
    (repeat (length PointList)
    (setq xpt (car (nth ctr PointList))
    ypt (cadr (nth ctr Pointlist)))
    (write-line (strcat (rtos xpt) "," (rtos ypt)) OutFile)
    (setq ctr (1+ ctr))
    ) ;repeat
    (close OutFile)
    (alert "File Complete!")
    ) ;progn
    (alert "No Points, or Bad Data File!")
    ) ;if

    ) ;end defun

    This one won't even start up.

    **** pointplt.lsp ****

    ; -----------------
    ; Unmodified copies of this program and the accompanying documentation
    may be
    ; made and distributed freely without charge. Under no circumstances
    ; this program or the accompanying documentation be distributed as part
    of any
    ; for-profit venture, without expressed written permission from the
    ; POINTPLT is a simple AutoLSIP program that will plot a coordinate
    points file
    ; in AutoCAD. To run POINTPLT, load POINTPLT.LSP as you would any normal
    ; AutoLISP file (see AutoCAD Reference Manual), type "POINTPLT" and press
    ; [Enter]. POINTPLT will first prompt you for an input coordinate
    ; You must enter a vaild DOS filename at this point. The input
    coordinate file
    ; must be in the following format:
    ; A sample input coordinate file (SAMPLE.DAT) is included with POINTPLT.
    ; POINTPLT uses the default (current) text style and layer. However, the
    ; current text style must have a defined height (height must not be "0").
    ; If you have any questions or comments concerning POINTS, I may be
    ; via THE SPECTRUM BBS þ (501) 521-5639
    ; * ERROR Trapping *
    (defun *ERROR* ()
    ; * End of program *
    (defun EOP ()
    ; * Main Program *
    (defun C:pOINTPLT ()
    (setq POINTSPLT_CE (getvar "CMDECHO"))
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0) ;Turn "Command Echo" off

    (prompt "\n ")
    (prompt "\nP O I N T P L T v1.0 -- Copyright (c) 1992 by Kurtis J.
    Jones / -Mate Software")
    (prompt "\n ")

    (setq IN_FILE (open (getstring "\nEnter points filename: ") "r"))
    (prompt "\n ")
    (setq POINT_LINE 0) ;Force at least one pass thru the "while" loop
    (while (/= POINT_LINE nil)
    (setq POINT_LINE (read-line IN_FILE)) ;Read POINT_LINE from input
    (if (/= POINT_LINE nil)
    (setq POINT_LINE (strcat "(" POINT_LINE ")")) ;Correct format
    (setq POINT_LINE (read POINT_LINE)) ;Convert to
    (setq POINT_NO (nth 0 POINT_LINE)) ;Get the point
    (prompt (strcat "\nPlotting point no. " (itoa POINT_NO)))
    (setq POINT
    (nth 2 POINT_LINE) ;Get easting
    (nth 1 POINT_LINE) ;Get northing
    (nth 3 POINT_LINE) ;Get elevation
    (command "POINT" POINT)
    (command "TEXT" POINT 0.0 (strcat " " (itoa POINT_NO)))
    (close IN_FILE)
    (prompt "\nPOINTPLT finished")
    (prompt "\n ")


    This one wouldn't let me pick any object I had created, such as a block.
    What was funny about this one is that it picked the "x's" (points shaped
    like x's) left over from another LISP I had run previously. Wierd. I had
    to put points where I had my blocks.

    **** points2.lsp ****

    ;;;exports point data to file.
    (DEFUN C:p2 (/ ECHO
    F_N ;filename
    SS ;selection set
    N ;selection set length
    PNT ;point number
    INDEX ;loop counter
    F_O ;open file
    SS1 ;isolate selection set entity
    XYZ ;xyz coordinates
    PNT1 ;string value of point integer
    LN ;line of text
    (SETQ F_N (GETFILED "Point Files" "" "asc" 5));choose filename
    (LIST (CONS 0 "POINT"))));select objects
    (SETQ PNT (GETINT "\nEnter starting point Number:<1> "))
    (IF (NULL PNT) (SETQ PNT 1))
    (SETQ INDEX 0)
    (SETQ F_O (OPEN F_N "w"));open chosen file to overwrite
    (SETQ INDEX (+ INDEX 1))
    (SETQ XYZ (ASSOC 10 SS1));store coordinate list
    (SETQ X (NTH 1 XYZ));separate coordinate list
    (SETQ Y (NTH 2 XYZ))
    (SETQ Z (NTH 3 XYZ))
    (SETQ PNT1 (RTOS PNT 2 0));convert point number to string
    (SETQ X (RTOS X 2 2));convert coordinates to string
    (SETQ Y (RTOS Y 2 2))
    (SETQ Z (RTOS Z 2 2))
    (SETQ LN (STRCAT PNT1 "," Y "," X "," Z));store text string
    (WRITE-LINE LN F_O);write string to file
    (SETQ PNT (+ PNT 1));set next point number
    );ends repeat
    (CLOSE F_O);closes open file
    );ends defun


    If anyone can help with any of these LISP's, especially an author, I'd
    be most appreciative. What I need: Have a LISp write coordinates to a
    file that is named automatically (*.txt, *.asc, *.dat), it doesn't
    matter, by picking blocks using OSNAP setting "insert". It doesn't get
    any more simpler than that, unless I just don't get it. That very well
    could be a possibility. Thanks again.
    Walid Khalid, Nov 29, 2004
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