XREF's, BLOCKs & other Disguised Stuff

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Happy Trails, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. Happy Trails

    Happy Trails Guest

    I receive files created by others with which I must work with
    individual layers of objects to do my job.

    Sometimes I get a lot of info. that was drawn then put into a single
    BLOCK (I guess).

    Sometimes everything is on a layer that is an XREF ???

    Sometimes I can select and explode a block in Autocad, save it and
    then load it into the program I use. Then a single block with
    everything in it gets separated into its individual layers before
    leaving Autocad.

    Sometimes I can load it first, and see that the blocks are already on
    individual layers, and then I select all explode them in the program I
    use, and I can then work with the data.

    Sometimes I can see the data I want - text blocks of spot elevations
    in ACAD for example - but I cannot figure out with my limited Acad
    knowledge why these do not get passed on in the software I work.

    Is there anywhere I can find an explanation of why and how these items
    are not just plain old drawing entities that I can work with?

    How many ways are there to make things difficult to work with?

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 24, 2005
  2. Happy Trails

    Happy Trails Guest

    Also, I am told that Acad can keep some info - like points elevations,
    or text describing these - in "attribute" databases? using MS Access
    databases - what topic in the help can I look at to discover if this
    has been done, or will there exist somewhere - hopefully in the
    transmitted files, an Access database file with this stuff in it?

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 24, 2005
  3. See comments interspersed below:

    The LIST command will clear up any confusion about what it is.
    A "layer" is not an "xref". See help for both. The insertion of an XREF is
    on a layer, and an XREF can have objects within it which are on the same or
    other layers.
    What program do you use? Does it have one item per layer?
    What's that mean?
    What's plain and old? The smartest way to structure a drawing may baffle you
    today, but that doesn't mean it is wrong. There are advantages to be had by
    adding complexity to CAD files, as long as the structure makes sense for the
    given job, and that everyone who works on it understands it. If the drawing
    is being used by different people for very different purposes, it could be
    that the chosen structure of the file might not suit every equally. That
    sounds like your situation.
    Depends on the skill of the operator, and the tools at their disposal.
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 24, 2005
  4. Happy Trails

    Happy Trails Guest


    Thanks for taking the time to respond.

    My questions were prompted by a desire to learn not so much "what" it
    is I am dealing with, but "why". Why would someone take a complete
    drawing with building outlines, curbs, parking areas, serwers and
    water mains, etc etc etc, and cram it all into a single block instead
    of just leaving it as it was created - a bunch of lines, arcs, points
    & text on separate layers of a drawing.

    One I worked on a couple of weeks ago had the single block of all
    drawing objects placed on a layer called XREF - hahahahaha.

    Why would someone do that? I do not know enough about the workings of
    Autocad to answer this question myself, so I asked the group here.
    Terramodel - any number of items per layer. And infinitely more user
    friendly methods of quickly displaying what various drawing objects
    are (opinion/fact?).
    Sometimes I load a drawing first in Tm, then explode it - sometimes I
    have to run it through Acad to explode things, then import the result
    into Tm.
    By this I mean individual drawing objects on their respective layers.
    I was hoping for a bit of explanation of exactly what these
    complexities might be in Acad - not an acknowledgement or
    justification of their existence.

    Why and when does one use an Xref?

    Why and when does one put a complete drawing into a single block - to
    archive it? Or to pass it on in a slightly more compact, or ,more
    obscure format?
    If you considered "your" skill level, and the "tools" you normally use
    every day in Acad, would it be possible for you to state briefly what
    these might be?

    I personally think someone would have to be a completely
    non-co-operative obstination (I know it's not a word) to do some of
    the stuff I see - but I'm willing to allow that there may be a good
    reason for it that I just do not see.

    I'm posing these questions here to find out.

    Since posting a coupla hours ago I have fooled around extensively with
    the layer manager in Acad, and also used the attribute extraction tool
    to create several files of points which I have then edited slightly
    and imported into Tm onto different layers - existing grades, proposed
    grades, manhole & catchbasin tops, building FFE's, etc., so I'm having
    a good afternoon, with a little help from you guys.

    By monday I'll have some DTM's to load into my company's automatic
    grading system, which is why I do this stuff.

    - Tom

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 24, 2005
  5. In the case of an XREF, it's usually because someone wants to refer to a
    drawing that is being worked on by someone else and/or is likely to change
    before the project is complete. The XREF updates itself everytime the host
    drawing is opened. It makes working in teams on the same project easier.
    Blocks have to updated manually. Entities scattered everywhere would require
    tedious repititious editing of every file in which the change occurs.
    ; P I do that sometimes. Usually with land surveys, or base-building
    The decision to this or that is situational. Only the operator will know why
    its that way.
    We can only guess.
    See above. Are you sure it is an XREF? It could be a "plain old" block.
    It's not more compact. Maybe they "blocked out" what they wanted you to
    have, instead of deleting everything they didn't.
    In acad, there's not much that puzzles me anymore. If I had to work on newer
    platforms, I maight have a bit of a learning curve on some of the newer
    features. Of course, someone could do structure something in a way that is
    frustrating for my purposes, but if it was warranted, I would just
    restructure the file. Luckily, I don't have to deal with others' CAD
    drawings very much anymore.
    It could also just have been expedient, or stupid. I'll never know from
    where I sit. Just be advised that it is a common reaction to be frustrated
    by the work of superior draftsmen when you are at the journeyman stage. All
    I'm saying, is keep an open mind.
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 25, 2005
  6. Happy Trails

    Greg Farris Guest

    A lot of the things you seem to be encountering have to do with how
    someone else organizes their work. Blocks, xrefs, templates and macros
    are some of the powerful tools drafters use to avoid having to draw the
    same thing over and over. Once a drafter/designer gets settled into a
    position, there is usually a certain degree of repetitiveness to their
    work - or at least some parts of it. The creative user will streamline
    their workplace and add greatly to their effectiveness by using some of
    the tools built into AutoCad to automate these tasks.

    Ploughing through someones else's shortcuts to figure out what they were
    doing and why can sometimes be confusing, even for experienced
    operators. In your case, it sounds like you would benefit from looking
    at the way the drafters of the drawings you inherit used these tools,
    and trying to emulate them. Look in AutoCad's help menus, and in third
    party texts - you may end up learning some tricks that will help you
    enhance your own efficiency. the nice part about most AutoCad automation
    routines is that they are relatively easy to learn, and give benefits
    immediately, with a progressive learning curve.
    Greg Farris, Sep 26, 2005
  7. Happy Trails

    Happy Trails Guest

    While it is true you can often learn things very quickly by looking at
    the way others do things, I would however rather educate than emulate
    many of the draftsmen that supply the stuff I need.

    The biggest fault I find, which I expect will change with more people
    using LDD, is that in the fabrication of tin's, which other software
    processes very quickly using 3 3D points per triangle, Acad designers
    always seem to use 3 3d faces (lines) to describe each triangle,
    requiring more than twice the data to describe, semmingly slowing down
    the potential processing speed for these.

    All software that I know of that forms tin surfaces from Acad designs
    ends up throwing away the thousands of duplicated points in completing
    this task.

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 26, 2005
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