Xref renaming

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dth, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. dth

    dth Guest

    The xref manager is a great tool for repathing xrefs, but I was wondering if
    there was a tool for changing xref names in the same way. For example, I
    have over 50 drawings that xrefed the drawing called a-block1.dwg and
    a-block2.dwg. The drawings have been renamed b-block1.dwg and b-block2.dwg.
    I want to be able to do a string replacement on the drawing name (from "a"
    to "b") on multiple drawings in a folder - in the same way you can do it
    with the paths.

    Is something already out there? or is there a lisp they can be written for

    Any direction would be helpful,
    dth, Nov 17, 2004
  2. dth

    T.Willey Guest

    T.Willey, Nov 17, 2004
  3. dth

    dth Guest

    If I am reading the thread correctly, it isn't a simple task, and Dotsoft
    has already invented that wheel?
    dth, Nov 17, 2004
  4. dth

    T.Willey Guest

    If all your doing is changing the path, and within the path only changing a certain letter, then it should be easy. I don't have any third party software so I couldn't tell you what people have, but from what I hear Dotsoft stuff is pretty good. I think that express tools has something also, but I'm not sure.

    T.Willey, Nov 17, 2004
  5. dth

    dth Guest

    We used the xpath tool to rename the path, but found it could not do the
    file name. Unfortunately, it is more like changing the file name from
    "winwood.dwg" to wi-win-wood.dwg" ... and a few other variants. Brilliant
    idea to change all the files name .... geez. I was trying to help the guys
    out, but there were to many variants to write something simple. It seems
    the easiest way out is ToolPac.

    a certain letter, then it should be easy. I don't have any third party
    software so I couldn't tell you what people have, but from what I hear
    Dotsoft stuff is pretty good. I think that express tools has something
    also, but I'm not sure.
    dth, Nov 17, 2004
  6. dth

    T.Willey Guest

    The final routine it that topic I pasted earlier would rename the drawing files, then check all drawings picked to change the references in those ones from the old names to the new names. But I have only read good things about ToolPac also.

    Hopefully you will find something to work for you.
    T.Willey, Nov 17, 2004
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