xref layer control question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ron McNeil, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. Ron McNeil

    Ron McNeil Guest

    Hi, I'm not finding satisfaction in google or any online tutorial...

    We have xref'ed some drawings (townhouse models) into a parent drawing
    (site). Expected to be able to set layers just as we do with blocks, but
    not displaying, all layers are thawed in child drawing and setting layers
    in model and in VP's both give no display.

    As I understand visretain, and we have experimented but its not the

    await your help,
    Ron McNeil, Nov 25, 2004
  2. Ron McNeil

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    In "site.dwg", you are able to control layer visibility of all layers,
    incuding those layers in "site" and those layers in "townhouse models".

    Visretain only affects the layers that are displayed upon the reloading
    of a child drawing, and then only if set to 0.

    Assuming layers "a", "b", "c", were on and thawed in "townhouse models"
    when you xrefed it into "site", then they should be visible in "site".

    Note the xref itself (a block reference) is on *some* layer in "site",
    make sure this layer is not frozen.
    R.K. McSwain, Nov 25, 2004
  3. Ron McNeil

    Ron McNeil Guest

    In alt.cad.autocad , R.K. McSwain wrote :
    Thanks, what I want to do is have layers a and b on in one viewport and
    layers c and d on in another, etc. *the* layer xref is on in "site" is
    on, and we even experimented with putting it on layer '0' too but no
    luck, as soon as we freeze layer 'a' then whole xref dissappears !!
    Ron McNeil, Nov 25, 2004
  4. If these are floating viewports, you use the VPLAYER command
    to control layer visibility.
    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 25, 2004
  5. Ron McNeil

    Marc Clamage Guest

    Go to the paper space layout tab in which you're displaying the drawing,
    type "ms" so you can edit model space and THEN freeze your layers. Be sure
    to use the "Current VP Freeze" column in the layers display. Or if you have
    Express Tools loaded, you can use the "layfrz" command and click on objects
    to freeze their layers. Just be sure to return to Paper Space (command: ps)
    before zooming in or out of the drawing.

    Marc Clamage, Nov 26, 2004
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