xrecord hard reference pointer

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Martin, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Martin

    Martin Guest

    In autolisp how I can make xrecord in a dictionary that has a hard reference
    pointer to a perment entity like layer 0 so he will not be erased when purging
    or wblocking? Thanks you.
    Martin, Aug 13, 2003
  2. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Thank you. one thing I found is that for any child xrecord to persist its
    parent dictionary need have have the 280 group code set to 1 ( it is defualts
    to 0 ). of course, this is in the dxf references. thanks again Herman.

    A Google search of this NG turned up a 5 article thread started on
    1/17/02 by Jim Fisher.

    There are two replies by John Uhden which delineate two methods for
    attaching an extension dictionary to layer 0.

    One method uses Active X, the other does not.
    Martin, Aug 15, 2003
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