XP SP2 plotting slow - Issue solved!!!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Indigo70, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. Indigo70

    Indigo70 Guest

    After posting back in September that we had installed XP SP2 on 3 of 6 identical Dell PC's - we had a drastic slow down in the plotting process to our HP 1050C Plotter (which was connected to a [plot server] PC w/ Win ME)

    The quick fix = uninstall SP2 until I could figure it out... well we finally came to a situation where we had new PC w/ XP & SP2 already installed in the OS.

    I called HP & Microsoft - HP says we will charge you $ to talk to our tech "yeah right" (I know more than they do normally) NO THANKS!! - next is Microsoft - whew after hours of musak and phone transfers - i got through to a tech that had a brain - but he still didn't have the solution... he did say something that triggered me to try something though, he said "xp sp2 treats drivers different" that is when it hit me...

    Although MS makes both OS's XP & ME - they didn't make them compatable... no real suprise - so I bought a copy of the XP upgrade and installed it on the Win ME plot server... BINGO!!! TOTAL FIX!!!

    I went back to each of my other machines and started the SP2 d/l and each machine now works perfectly!!!

    No Magic required - just remember Microsoft is greedy and wants your money so buy the latest software and install it on everything and it works...

    Conclusion - Needless to say I've had it with HP and MS tech support... We just bought a new server for the office and I'm installing LINUX SERVER OS (FREE) not to mention all the other goodies that come with it free as well.
    I now run XP Pro, Mac OS X, MS Server 2000 & LINUX!!!
    Good luck all...
    Indigo70, Jan 21, 2005
  2. Indigo70

    Dave Jones Guest

    No Magic required - just remember Microsoft is greedy and wants your money
    so buy the latest software and install it on everything and it works...
    yep, and your local gas station is greedy too, because they want to charge
    you money for gas to put in your car to make it run...if you were a business
    owner rather than an employee, wouldn't you try to make money for your
    company? Kinda the point of being in business I would think...
    Dave Jones, Jan 21, 2005
  3. I second that. If Microsoft made products that interoperated among Windows
    2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 and higher, and that's all - I'd
    be content with that. I would rather pay less for products and have them hit
    the market faster than to have Microsoft spend time developing and testing
    for outdated platforms. Just my personal 2 cents...
    Scott Sheppard - Autodesk, Jan 21, 2005
  4. Indigo70

    Bruce Guest

    Thanks for the update Indigo70!

    The local Seattle paper reported today that Microsoft is laying off 62 souls
    from the Windows Core Operating System Division's software testing
    department. I wonder if that is a reward or punishment for a job not so well

    I also seem to remember that NT stood for Nightmare Technology.

    Bruce, Jan 21, 2005
  5. Indigo70

    Dave Jones Guest

    what's with you guys and the MS bashing? I used NT 3.51 and 4.0 for years
    without a problem. They were a heck of a lot better than WFW or DOS for that
    matter (with apologies to those old dos Commandeers :)
    Dave Jones, Jan 22, 2005
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