XP sp2 and dongle's

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Deri Jones, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Deri Jones

    Deri Jones Guest

    Hi folks
    Does anyone else have a problem with the parallel dongle not being
    recognised under Win XP sp2? Solidworks came up as being blocked, so I
    unblocked that and it now pops up a window with "A problem was encountered
    accessing the proper security device. The device may be missing or have
    invalid information. The application will be terminated immediately".
    I'm assuming that I need to unblock whatever programme looks for the
    security dongle or something similar - any help gratefully received.
    Win XP sp2, Solidworks 2004 SP1

    Deri Jones, Sep 27, 2004
    Devon T. Sowell, Sep 27, 2004
  3. SolidWorks will support Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 as of SolidWorks
    2004 SP5 and SolidWorks 2005 SP1. It is not recommended that you update
    to this Windows service pack until the indicated SolidWorks service
    Devon T. Sowell, Sep 27, 2004
  4. Deri Jones

    Jeff Parker Guest

    SolidWorks sent out the following bulletin:

    8/27/04 Bulletin - Support for Win XP Pro SP2

    SolidWorks will support Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 as of SolidWorks
    2004 SP5 and SolidWorks 2005 SP1. It is not recommended that you
    update to this Windows service pack until the indicated SolidWorks
    service packs.

    So you should have not even installed XP SP2 YET!
    Jeff Parker, Sep 27, 2004
  5. Deri Jones

    Simon Miller Guest

    Hi Deri,

    Running SolidWorks 2004 SP3 and Windows XP Pro SP2 with the dreaded dongle
    with no problems.

    A long time back I did solve a dongle problem with changing the settings in
    the BIOS for the parallel port. Sorry I cant quite remember the details but
    it was something like changing Bi-directional to ECP+EPP.

    Regards Simon
    Simon Miller, Sep 28, 2004
  6. Could help to uninstall / reinstall the hasp drivers:

    Locate hinstall.exe ( here : C:\Program Files\SolidWorks


    hinstall -r
    hinstall -i

    Once I had the problem on one machine, identical to the others, and it
    solved it. I put it in a batch.
    Jean Marc BRUN, Sep 28, 2004
  7. Deri Jones

    P Guest

    SW doesn't need a dongle, at least no it the U.S. However, a lot of
    Solution Partner products do need a dongle. I am one of them. The
    fixes SW does in SP5 will not necessarily fix this problem. And what
    about those still using SW2003?
    P, Sep 28, 2004
  8. Deri Jones

    Frappafifi Guest


    I've got the same problem installing SolidWorks 2004 on Windows Xp Pro
    I didn't understand it was a problem of dongle, cause you don't need a
    dongle to run Solidworks.

    So, what to do ? Is there a patch somewhere ?


    Philippe from France.
    Frappafifi, Sep 28, 2004
  9. Vois ton revendeur.... Le dongle est nécessaire en france. Le patch est
    illégal, s'il existe.
    Jean Marc BRUN, Sep 28, 2004
  10. Deri Jones

    Frappafifi Guest

    Locate hinstall.exe ( here : C:\Program Files\SolidWorks
    doesn't work, sorry :-(
    Did anyone ask a Soliworks hotline ?
    They must know the problem and have a solution, no ?

    Philippe from France
    Frappafifi, Sep 28, 2004
  11. Deri Jones

    Deri Jones Guest

    He He
    It does in Britain and most of Europe I think! For some reason, we are not
    to be trusted with dongle less software..... dunno why!
    Thanks for the response anyway
    Deri Jones, Sep 28, 2004
  12. Will not work if no dongle is present
    You should ask your VAR (revendeur)
    Maybe get a legal copy?
    Jean Marc
    Jean Marc BRUN, Sep 29, 2004
  13. Deri Jones

    Deri Jones Guest

    Thanks Jean Marc

    Running hinstall.exe again doesn't work imediately, there is also a entry in
    the boot.ini file that needs turning off, otherwise the software can't see
    the HASP dongle. I have now got everything working again having followed the
    comments here:

    Looks like the Vectorworks people are having fun as well. If you have a USB
    dongle, there are updated drivers at the Aladdin site:

    I have the parallel dongle and simply using the existing hinstall version
    that came with Solidworks did the trick.
    Thanks again to everyone for the assistance, once I'm finished with this
    project, I'll get Solidworks up to date!
    Deri Jones, Sep 29, 2004
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