XP Pro - opening files

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rob, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest

    I posted this on the group on the SW site , but no joy!

    We are using Windows XP pro, when I am opening a file in SW and decide
    to veiw only parts or assemblies or drawings, by changing the file
    type veiw, it takes an age for the files to appear. the quick way to
    refresh the window is move back a directory and back in again, and hey
    presto, the files are visable. This did not happen on Win NT and does
    not happen in any other programs, such as office products and autocad.

    thought i would ask here before i have the normal argument with my
    VAR, where they tell me its not solidworks, its windows.

    Thanks in anticipation

    Graeme Robinson
    Rob, Dec 9, 2003
  2. Rob

    Andrew Troup Guest


    If "Show thumbnail graphics in Windows Explorer" is switched on, under
    Tools/Options/System Options/General, things can really slow down even in
    SolidWorks "Open" and "Save" dialogs

    I forget exactly what you have to do before switching it off takes effect:
    you certainly have to quit SolidWorks, and maybe Shutdown Windows.

    I'm not sure if this is what you are experiencing, but could be worth
    looking at.
    Andrew Troup, Dec 9, 2003
  3. Rob

    Zander Guest

    (Rob) wrote in @posting.google.com:
    I agree, same problem here in winxp reading files from a win2k server.
    This type of delay did not occur when I used win2k on my machine.... I've
    been blaming our network. But know I will rethink that. :)

    Zander, Dec 9, 2003
  4. Rob

    Rob Guest

    yeah youre right andrew, but showing thumbnails comes in very handy
    when looking for a particular shaped part in a directory of 5000

    When i used NT i showed thumbnails, and i also had a slower pc, was
    just wondering why the conflict exists with SW and XP.

    If its just me having the probs then its all well and good! but Im
    sure I cannot be alone?


    Rob, Dec 9, 2003
  5. Rob

    sw-pw-man Guest

    No problems here, running win xp pro, sp 1.0, swx 2003 sp5. Didnt notice any
    problems in sp4 or sp3.
    I have xp home at home, and am on 2004 sp0.0, and no problems.
    I do have display thumbnails active.
    sw-pw-man, Dec 9, 2003
  6. Rob

    Krister L Guest

    You can also set Your Windows Explorer to "view thumbnails" and You'll see
    previews of all Your SW parts, assys and drawings if You're in W2K or XP

    Krister L
    Krister L, Dec 9, 2003
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