XP, MSJ and a digitizer tablet?

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by G Long, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. G Long

    G Long Guest

    I got a user who can't part with her Summa III digitizer tablet. She was
    just upgraded to XP Pro. MSJ works fine and I downloaded the latest wintab
    driver for the tablet. But, she is having performance problems.

    Any other run across this? I suggested she trash the Summa and go with the
    mouse. Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance,
    G Long, Nov 20, 2003
  2. G Long

    Bevan Guest

    I have users who will never part with their tablets, and I would never ask
    them to. Mouse and tablet work just fine together in all applications on
    Win2000, except you can only define snap button for MSJ on 1 or the other.
    If I get time I will try a tablet on an XP box. I would first check to see
    if Summa (Calcomp) have an XP driver. We use Tabletworks, not wintab in
    Bevan, Nov 20, 2003
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