
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Dubea, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Happy New Year,

    After a rather extended alpha trial of XMLPropWorks, a number of bugs
    have been identified and a bevy of new functionality has been

    Revision of XMLPropWorks is about to begin and the following features
    are on the development list:

    1) Read/Write standard Windows property fields.
    2) Get next serial number with prefix and suffix capability.
    3) Combining data from several fields into one field.
    4) Ability to select a part in an assembly to apply properties to.
    5) Get SolidWorks units for system properties (mass, weight etc)
    6) Omit empty start folder created on installation. A new
    installation tool will probably be used in the future.
    7) Update bitmap on every save.
    8) Allow storage of the bitmap to the database.
    9) Fix revision field date issue.
    10) Provide an options for deletion of existing custom properties.
    User will have the option of always deleting them, or having a tickbox
    for doing so, or never deleting custom properties.
    11) Option to set the default value for a field.
    12) SQL input and output. Unless I get really strong objections, I'm
    going to use MySQL for this.
    13) Provide a where used functionality
    14) XML data summary output. This option will require a tool to
    create an XML data base from the setup file. This might not get done
    for the beta release. Anyone interested in tackling this? The setup
    file format is not going to change significantly with the suggested

    Please comment about these additions and suggest others. Development
    will begin in a week or so and once I've started, I'm going to be
    hesitant to make major additions to the wish list.

    Thanks for everyone's help. I hope to have a beta release of
    XMLPropWorks ready by the end of January, and then hopefully we can
    have an official release in March.

    Please let me know what you think about the proposed enhancements.

    If you are interested in trying out the alpha version of XMLPropWorks,
    send me an email to

    Thanks in advance,
    Chris Dubea, Jan 8, 2007
  2. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    It has been a freeble thus far. As I found out today that I've been
    made redundant, I could start charging for it and begin my retirement!

    In all seriousness, I'm really not set up to deal with e-commerce at
    this point, and with the forthcoming job change, will probably have
    less time to do so in the future. The easiest thing to do is give it
    Chris Dubea, Jan 9, 2007
  3. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Hi all!

    Thanks to a bevy of interested beta (alpha?) testers of XMLPropWorks,
    I've developed an extensive list of improvements (and a couple of bug
    fixes) for the upcoming official release of XMLPropWorks v1.0.

    I've posted a list of proposed upgrades and changes on my site at:


    Please e-mail me at if you have any other comments or
    suggestions about features. I've been using it fairly heavily lately
    and I "think" I've come across all the issues, but I'm certain there
    other things which could be improved.

    You can also download the latest version of XMLPropWorks on the site.

    One thing I am looking for is some guidance (help) on a utility to set
    up an SQL database based upon the format of the XML input file.
    Without a semi-automated ability to create SQL tables from the setup
    data, the ability to write to SQL tables would probably not be
    particularly useful.

    Thanks to all who have provided feedback and I am looking forward to
    Version 1!

    Chris Dubea, Mar 27, 2007
  4. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest


    The e-mail address is


    Chris Dubea, Mar 27, 2007
  5. Chris Dubea

    TOP Guest


    The download link seems to not work.

    TOP, Mar 28, 2007
  6. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Okay, GoDaddy is decidedly case sensitive!

    Try again at



    Chris Dubea, Mar 28, 2007
  7. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    As part of the upgrade of XMLPropWorks (XPW) from v0.5 to v1.0, the
    ability to read and write from a plethora of file formats in addition
    to the Access and XML files is being added (as well as a bevy of other
    enhancements see http://www.dubea.org/xmlpropworks).

    The plan is to add the ability to read/write to:

    1) comma delimited text files,
    2) Excel spreadsheets
    3) SQL databases
    4) XML databases (write)

    Currently, the plan is to implement the SQL database feature
    utilizing SQLite instead of a full blown client/server SQL system ala
    MySQL, Postgresql or the MS free SQL server edition. My research
    indicates that SQLite is robust enough to handle the traffic of up to
    50 users to a centrally located database. There are a number of tools
    out there for managing SQLite databases, but what I don't know is if
    SQLite databases can be read by MySQL or any of the other free server
    SQL systems.

    What's the opinion of those out there in the know about SQL databases?
    Is SQLite appropriate in this application?

    A beta version of XPW available for testing in a couple of weeks. If
    you would like to test the system out, please e-mail me at
    . Please be forewarned that testing this system is not
    going to be trivial, but I REALLY need others to look at it and
    provide feedback. Your existing setup files "should" work with the
    new version, but obviously none of the new functionality will be
    gained without updating your setup file. I say "should" as I am
    planning for complete transparency, but the XPW code is getting
    complex and things change.

    The current plan is for XPW to be free, but it is very likely that a
    registration gizmo will be implemented so that a record can be kept of
    who is using it. The plan is to use an ActiveLock
    (http://sourceforge.net/projects/activelock/) registration function
    with a 30 day usage window. The registration will hopefully be web
    based so there won't have to any direct interaction with users.


    Chris Dubea, Aug 1, 2007
  8. Chris Dubea

    TOP Guest

    IMHO mySQL or MSDE would cover what most users would be familiar with.

    TOP, Aug 1, 2007
  9. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Yeah, you are probably right. The downside is either brings a
    significant increase in the complexity of the installation process.
    SQLite is a fairly small dll that I can add to the installation files
    and it's completely transparent to the operator.

    I can't say that about setup of either MySQL or MSDE.


    Chris Dubea, Aug 2, 2007
  10. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    One of the features requested for the next version of XMLPropWorks was
    the ability to grab the value of a dimension.

    This is possible from the Solidworks Custom Property manager by
    entering in something like "D2@" in the value/text
    expression column which would give a result in the Evaluated Value

    I've done some casual spelunking in the API and the functionality to
    perform that seems to be contained in the Document Manager API.
    Unfortunately, for some reason, SolidWorks has chosen to restrict the
    Document Manager API to license key usage. As I don't wish to
    encumber users with obtaining a license for the Document Manager, I
    was wondering if there is another means of accomplishing this
    evaluation under the standard API.

    Any ideas, brilliant or otherwise?

    Chris Dubea, Aug 3, 2007
  11. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Never mind.

    This functionality is available via CustomPropertyManager::Get2


    Chris Dubea, Aug 3, 2007
  12. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:44:02 -0500, Chris Dubea

    Hi to all those interested in XMLPropWorks

    One of the enhancement requests I received via e-mail was :

    "Specify format of fields, capitals, dates as ##-##-##"

    I've built in a formatting function which allows the user to specify a
    format string.

    Is a masked input box desirable as well? A masked input prohibits the
    users from entering a string unless if is within the confines of the
    specifier. I ask about this because there are some limitation to
    masked inputs. A masked input control can have text no longer than 64
    characters, so it's really a one-line input box. Saying that I could
    see some use for it.

    What's the consensus?

    BTW, I'm about halfway through installing all the enhancements
    mentioned on the website (and some others which have made themselves
    apparent) so I should have a beta of v1.0 available for testing by
    months end. Let me know if you are interested

    Chris Dubea, Aug 7, 2007
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