Happy New Year, After a rather extended alpha trial of XMLPropWorks, a number of bugs have been identified and a bevy of new functionality has been requested. Revision of XMLPropWorks is about to begin and the following features are on the development list: 1) Read/Write standard Windows property fields. 2) Get next serial number with prefix and suffix capability. 3) Combining data from several fields into one field. 4) Ability to select a part in an assembly to apply properties to. 5) Get SolidWorks units for system properties (mass, weight etc) 6) Omit empty start folder created on installation. A new installation tool will probably be used in the future. 7) Update bitmap on every save. 8) Allow storage of the bitmap to the database. 9) Fix revision field date issue. 10) Provide an options for deletion of existing custom properties. User will have the option of always deleting them, or having a tickbox for doing so, or never deleting custom properties. 11) Option to set the default value for a field. 12) SQL input and output. Unless I get really strong objections, I'm going to use MySQL for this. 13) Provide a where used functionality 14) XML data summary output. This option will require a tool to create an XML data base from the setup file. This might not get done for the beta release. Anyone interested in tackling this? The setup file format is not going to change significantly with the suggested revisions. Please comment about these additions and suggest others. Development will begin in a week or so and once I've started, I'm going to be hesitant to make major additions to the wish list. Thanks for everyone's help. I hope to have a beta release of XMLPropWorks ready by the end of January, and then hopefully we can have an official release in March. Please let me know what you think about the proposed enhancements. If you are interested in trying out the alpha version of XMLPropWorks, send me an email to [email][/email] Thanks in advance, =========================================================================== Chris