
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cdubea, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. cdubea

    SW Monkey Guest

    I tried running the install, but the first thing it said is some of my
    files are out of date. I am leary about updating any files from
    installers like this, considering my PC is usually up-to-date.

    It doesnt tell me what files are out-of-date, any ideas?
    SW Monkey, Jun 16, 2006
  2. Installer is quite old, in my case it asked several times should my
    newer files be kept or not...I kept all my current files. (XP pro sp2).
    Are you sure it was really telling that your files where old, not newer?



    Markku Lehtola
    Certified SolidWorks Professional (CSWP)

    Markku Lehtola, Jun 16, 2006
  3. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I'll have to look into that. Thanks.
    H'mmm. Okay, I've duplicated this. It's a function of attempting to
    get physical properties of an empty model. I'll put in some error
    checking here. Great. I'll tweak that and post a new dll on the
    website for everyone to grab. Probably won't be until tomorrow tho'.
    You might be right. Unfortunately, it would be a MAJOR rewrite to
    convert it to some other sort of setup. The XML made parsing the
    setup file very easy.

    Thanks so far,
    Chris Dubea, Jun 19, 2006
  4. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I've put in some error checking for the situation where a zero
    quantity may result for a physical property.

    The non-functionality when the file isn't saved has been fixed as

    To all those who grabbed a copy, use the same link I e-mailed to you,
    but replace the zip with dll. Then put this in your install

    Let me know how it works.

    If anyone is interested in a non-dll version (.exe) let me know and
    I'll put it on the site.


    Chris Dubea, Jun 19, 2006
  5. cdubea

    John Layne Guest

    John Layne, Jun 19, 2006
  6. cdubea

    SW Monkey Guest

    Im not sure what im doing wrong. I ran the install, but I dont see any
    addin or new pull-down or toolbars in SolidWorks. Is there something
    else im suppose to run besides the install?
    SW Monkey, Jun 21, 2006
  7. SW Monkey kirjoitti:
    Tools-Add-Ins -> XMLPropWorks should be found there
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 21, 2006
  8. cdubea

    SW Monkey Guest

    Nope. Im using SW 2005, is that supported?
    SW Monkey, Jun 21, 2006
  9. SW Monkey kirjoitti:
    Oops, sorry, my mistake. you have to register the dll first by opening
    it with SW (normal File-Open, selected filetype Add-Ins (*.dll)), then
    you can see it at Tools-Add-Ins...
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 21, 2006
  10. cdubea

    DT Guest

    I accidently deleted the email you sent. Can you resend...thanks.
    DT, Jun 21, 2006
  11. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest


    Please remember to grab the new copy of the dll per an earlier

    Chris Dubea, Jun 21, 2006
  12. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Hi all,

    My ISP informed me this morning that I'm nearing my bandwidth limit
    this month. (You don't get a lot for $6 a year!), so I took
    XMLPropWorks down from my website. So all those links I sent out will
    now be dead.

    It's been a month since I let a dozen people or so beta test it. I've
    gotten a few responses, but nothing earthshattering.

    What's the verdict folks?

    Useable, or not worth the trouble? Better with changes? I've got a
    couple of ideas for v1.0, but am holding on to those until I get some
    response from the beta testers


    Chris Dubea, Jul 13, 2006
  13. cdubea

    TOP Guest


    Any chance I could get a lick in this late in the game? If you google
    you can email me. I've given swCP3 a good thrashing and really think
    his approach is the way to go.
    TOP, Jul 13, 2006
  14. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I'll send you a usendit link.
    Chris Dubea, Jul 16, 2006
  15. cdubea

    TOP Guest


    Thanks. XMLPad is really cool too.

    TOP, Jul 16, 2006
  16. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Most assuredly.

    I'm looking into the functional requirements for XMLPropWorks. I'll
    get back to you.

    Chris Dubea, Jul 17, 2006
  17. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I've not gotten a lot of feedback on XMLPropWorks, so either it's way
    to much of a pain to set up, or it's the greatest thing since sliced

    Beta testers, which is it?

    I ask, as I'm contemplating the next step. I'm a photographer and I
    use iMatch to manage my graphic files. The neat thing about iMatch is
    it has a VERY powerful scripting capability. I've been corresponding
    with the author of iMatch and he assures me that getting SolidWorks
    files cataloged in iMatch is doable.

    iMatch is inexpensive ($60) and would make a really nice replacement
    for Columbus which I had written apps for in the past. Arup went to a
    commercial model a while back and there are still way to many bugs in
    displaying non-AutoCAD files to spend any further time writing front
    ends for Columbus. The free version is still available, but you
    cannot use it on any files not on your computer. A fatal limitation
    in my view.

    Have a look at iMatch http://www.photools.com. Would the capability
    to manage SolidWorks files in iMatch be of use to anyone? If so, what
    kind of functionality would you like to see built in? I have a
    question into the author about moving files in iMatch. I'm hoping I
    could build a script which would reconnect file references if a file
    was moved (or renamed, etc), something like Explorer. This would be
    really cool. iMatch has some really good cataloging tools which would
    be exceedingly handy for managing files. This could be fairly
    powerful if done right.

    Combining this functionality with XMLPropWorks might be a really neat.
    It would allow for effective file management without the restrictions
    of a full blown PDM.

    Chris Dubea, Aug 31, 2006
  18. cdubea

    DiscDawg Guest

    Would it be possible to get a copy of XML Prop Works for review?
    DiscDawg, Aug 31, 2006
  19. cdubea

    Montie Guest


    I agree that being able to add SWX files to Imatch would be cool. Have
    you consider integrating the SWX container into Gallery
    (http://gallery.menalto.com/) instead?

    I have a gallery install running at: www.montie.com/gallery if you
    would like to see it.

    What about adding a SWX container to an RSS feed. Not sure how I would
    use that, but I could imagine that there could be some nice uses of

    Another possibility would be to add the SWX container to the RSS feed
    imbedded into a open source blog (like the one at www.outshine.com).

    Could I get a copy of the latest version of XMLprops?

    Would you like for me to host the file downloads at montie.com?

    Montie Design
    Montie, Sep 1, 2006
  20. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Talking to Mario about the iMatch front end, it seems like it's
    doable, but I need to do some investigation as to the capability. I
    wanted to be able to attach some functionality to the iMatch file
    function stuff, but I'm told there is no ability to do that :<.

    The gallery thing is interesting. I'll have to look at it further
    Nice photies!
    A user has offered assistance in getting XMLPropWorks to the next
    step. I've asked him to develop the schema for SQL and XML output
    summary files. Once we have that, some tools will have to be written
    to create the table functionality from the setup files and then we are
    good to go. It would seem to me that once you have XML data, RSS
    feeds are not that far behind, but I am DEFINITELY not an RSS feed
    I'll have to look at this. I'm still a RSS noob.
    I've sent you an e-mail
    Thank you for the feedback.
    Chris Dubea, Sep 4, 2006
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