
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cdubea, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    Greetings all,

    In the past I had written various VB routines for managing my custom
    property data. unfortunately, it seemed that every new customer had
    different requirements for such, so the versions began multiplying and
    were getting hard to manage.

    I looked around a bit and found swCP3 by Vinodh Kumar M. I studied the
    package and was impressed by the configurability, but there was some
    major functionality that I wanted which wasn't in the package. So,
    with Mr. Markapuram's permission, I utilized the idea of a XML set up
    file to create a completely customizable custom property manager.

    Where I differed from swCP3 is the ability to:

    1) Create unique pages for each of the three document types
    2) Write the output data to an Access database file (SQL writing is in
    the works)
    3) Remotely locate the setup file (for network usage amongst many
    4) Create variables and data which are transparent to the user for
    inclusion either in Custom Properties, or writing to the database.
    5) Display a bitmapped image of the file in the page (I will be writing
    this to the database in a later version)

    and some other which don't immediately come to mind.

    I've been using the package for a while and have squashed all the
    obvious bugs, but I'm certain those creative individuals out there can
    find more.

    Be forewarned that the package comes with a sample setup XML data file,
    but to get full utility of this package will take some time to set it
    up to your specific needs. It took me a full day to set it up, and a
    couple of days of tweaking after that to get it where I wanted it.

    I've got a couple of early beta testers out there (you know who you
    are!) but am throwing this out to see who might be interested enough to
    do a final beta test.

    The package will be released as freeware, but I am seriously thinking
    about requiring user registration. I haven't decided yet.

    Let me know what you think here, as this e-mail address is decidedly
    non-functional. I stopped putting real e-mail addresses in usenet
    messages a LONG time ago because of Chinese and Korean spam. Once I
    get an idea of the interest level, I'll figure out a way to distribute


    cdubea, Jun 14, 2006
  2. cdubea

    fcsuper Guest

    I've found some customer property managers that will copy property
    values from a file on disk or copy all the same property values to all
    files in a directory, but none that copied from an active document to
    another open document. I had a work around for a long time (using an
    ..exe API program which resided outside of SW). But I've finally have a
    function that allows this within SW, but it's still kinda a hack.

    It would be great to have the manager apply the current entered values
    to any SW open document, and as a separate function, apply them to any
    SW document on disk. With this function included, your planned package
    looks very desirable.

    fcsuper, Jun 14, 2006
  3. cdubea

    SW Monkey Guest

    Hey Chirs,

    Can you email me a copy? Sounds nice.
    SW Monkey, Jun 14, 2006
  4. cdubea

    DT Guest


    I'd like like to take a look at this also...

    DT, Jun 14, 2006
  5. Markku Lehtola, Jun 15, 2006
  6. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    H'mmm. I'll have to think about this and how to do it under the
    confines of the way XMLPropWorks was written. I know what you are
    saying about copying a set of props from one file to the next though.
    One of the variations of my hardcoded custom property routines I had in
    the past sensed what document was active. So you could initiate the
    routine for one document, read the CP's, switch to another document and
    write the same CP's. It was serendipity because I didn't purposely
    design it to work that was. I was something of a VB and Swx API newb
    at the time.

    cdubea, Jun 15, 2006
  7. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    Check your e-mail for a download link.

    cdubea, Jun 15, 2006
  8. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    H'mmm. You have some interesting util's there. Your SWit tool is
    pretty cool. Check you e-mail for a download link to XMLPropWorks.
    cdubea, Jun 15, 2006
  9. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Check your e-mail for a download link.
    Chris Dubea, Jun 15, 2006
  10. cdubea

    Montie Guest


    I would like to try it also.


    Montie, Jun 15, 2006
  11. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest


    Chris Dubea, Jun 15, 2006
  12. cdubea

    dvanzile3 Guest

    I'd like to try it as well. Thanks!
    dvanzile3, Jun 15, 2006
  13. cdubea

    SW Monkey Guest

    cd, I had to change my email address. Can you email the link to my
    new address? Thanks.
    SW Monkey, Jun 15, 2006
  14. I'd like to try this too.

    Donegalforever, Jun 15, 2006
  15. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Chris Dubea, Jun 15, 2006
  16. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Chris Dubea, Jun 15, 2006
  17. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Ran out of times for your spamgourmet address? You know you can
    renew them at spamgourmet.com? I'm a BIG fan of spamgourmet.com. I
    pretty much use it for all those web sites and such that HAVE to have
    your e-mail address. It's interesting to go back and look at the hits
    the various addresses have received. The worst culprit in my case is
    JC Whitney followed closely by CNET. Sun is pretty bad as well.

    I sent the link again.

    Have fun
    Chris Dubea, Jun 15, 2006
  18. cdubea

    Art Woodbury Guest

    Look interesting, Chris. May I have a download link, please?

    Real address (with obvious corrections) is: art dot woodbury at stereoimaging dot com

    Art Woodbury, Jun 15, 2006
  19. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Chris Dubea, Jun 16, 2006
  20. Hi,

    about your beta release, here's my experience after installation
    touch any of the xml files)

    Installation: quite old VB-stuff? I have used InnoSetup to create
    installation packages, it's very nice and free, very recommended. With
    you can also easily register your dll so that when you start SW after
    installation your app is already loaded (now it wasn't)

    Models: if I don't save my part/assy nothing happens when I press the
    button. With saved models I get "run-time error 13, type mismatch", and
    gui appears almost empty (some buttons on the left side)

    drawings: seems to work for me.

    I really like the idea of having a database behind it all (in fact that
    something that I would like to add to my own prop software called SWit,
    the base code is soooo old that I rather rewrite the whole stuff)...you
    add some neat database search capabilities...

    I have talked a while ago with Vinodh about the use of XML...I still
    think that for most of the people it's not a good way to handle
    settings because they just don't want to install xml viewer and learn
    all the stuff (people are lazy you know), but this is just my opinion
    and I might be little old fashioned here :)

    Markku Lehtola, Jun 16, 2006
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