XDATA eXpert please help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Big 'D', Jun 25, 2004.

  1. Big 'D'

    Big 'D' Guest

    I have objects on my drawing with xdata. If I have xdata text infomation and I want to know what graphic on the screen contains that information, how can I query this? In description, say I have a line on my drawing with XYZ text xdata, can I search on XYZ and have the line with that xdata info attached highlight? This question is a long shot but I though someone may know the answer (there are some smart people in this discussion group).
    Thanks for any help you can offer.
    Big 'D', Jun 25, 2004
  2. Big 'D'

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    xshow.lsp published ;;
    ;; Bill Kramer 2002
    ;; View extended data attached to an object.
    a loooonggggg timmmmeee aaaggooo.....

    ;; Point A
    ;; A potion from the Wizard's Lab.
    ;; Bill Kramer 2002
    ;; View extended data attached to an object.
    ;; XSHOW Command Function
    (defun C:XSHOW (/
    EN ; Entity name selected
    EL ;Entity data list
    XLIST ; Extended data list
    X ; Temporary variable
    TMP1 ; Temporary variable
    TMP2 ; Temporary variable
    (setq XLIST (X_DATA_APPIDS) ;obtain a list of APPID values in drawing
    TMP1 ""
    TMP1 (apply ; create string of APPID values for use as filter
    'strcat ;concat the strings returned from MAPCAR
    '(lambda (X) ;add a comma at the end of each string
    (strcat X ","))
    XLIST)) ;XLIST is list of APPID value strings
    TMP1 (substr TMP1 1 (1- (strlen TMP1)))
    ;remove extra comma at end
    SS1 (ssget "X" ;find all objects with XDATA
    (list -3 (list TMP1))))
    (if SS1 ;If entity objects with XDATA are found,
    ;; Loop through selection set and highlight each object
    (repeat (setq TMP2 (sslength SS1))
    (redraw (ssname SS1
    (setq TMP2 (1- TMP2)))
    ;; Operator selection of object in drawing
    (setq EN (car (entsel "\nPick object: ")))
    ;find all objects with XDATA
    (print XLIST) ;Display the list of APPID values
    (if EN
    (setq EL (entget EN XLIST)
    TMP1 (assoc -3 EL)
    (if TMP1
    ;;find any X data?
    (setq XLIST (cdr TMP1)
    ;;remove -3 ((APPID...)...)
    (textscr) ; flip to the text screen
    (setq LNCount 20) ;set a line counter to hold screen
    "\n\nXDATA was found attached to the object selected.")
    (foreach Item XLIST ;XLIST contains extended data list
    (if (< LNCount 5) ;Check line counter
    (setq LNCount 20) ;reset value and hold for user
    "\n ---- Press Enter to continue.")))
    ;; Display application ID string
    (prompt (strcat "\n\nAPPID = \""
    (car Item)
    (setq LNCount (- LNCount 3))
    (Xshow_1 (cdr Item))) ;Show the values
    ;;end PROGN
    "\n\nNo XDATA in object selected.")
    ;;End IF TMP1
    ;;end PROGN
    (prompt "\n\nNothing selected.")
    ;;End IF EN
    ;;end PROGN
    "\nNo XDATA objects found in drawing.")
    ;;end IF SS1
    (defun XSHOW_1 (ID)
    ;;fill in X_DATA details for all
    (mapcar ;;Loop through all the members of the list
    (lambda (X)
    (setq LNCount (1- LNCount)) ;decrement line counter
    (if (< LNCount 1) ;check line counter
    (setq LNCount 20) ;reset value and wait for operator
    "\n ---- Press Enter to continue.")))
    (prompt ;output the code and the value
    (strcat "\n\t"
    (itoa (car X))
    " "
    ((or (= (car X) 1000)
    ;;Check for strings
    (= (car X) 1005)
    (= (car X) 1003)
    ;;layer string
    (= (car X) 1002)
    ;;control string
    (strcat "\"" (cdr X) "\"")
    ((or (= (car X) 1040)
    ;;Check for real numbers
    (= (car X) 1041)
    (= (car X) 1042)
    (rtos (cdr X))
    ((= (car X) 1070)
    ;;Check for integers
    (itoa (cdr X))
    ((or (= (car X) 1010)
    ;;Check for points
    (= (car X) 1011)
    (= (car X) 1012)
    (rtos (cadr X))
    ", "
    (rtos (caddr X))
    ", "
    (rtos (cadddr X)))
    (t "**CANNOT DISPLAY")
    ;; Build list of X data ID names
    (defun X_DATA_APPIDS (/ TMP1 TMP2)
    ;;Build list of X data ID's
    (setq TMP1 (tblnext "APPID" 't))
    ;;get 1st APPID
    (while TMP1
    ;;loop until no more APPID's in table
    (setq TMP2 (cons ;;add APPID to list
    (cdr (assoc 2 TMP1))
    TMP1 (tblnext "APPID")
    ;;get next APPID
    ;;return TMP2 list
    ;; end of file

    and I want to know what graphic on the screen contains that information, how
    can I query this? In description, say I have a line on my drawing with XYZ
    text xdata, can I search on XYZ and have the line with that xdata info
    attached highlight? This question is a long shot but I though someone may
    know the answer (there are some smart people in this discussion group).
    Rudy Tovar, Jun 25, 2004
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