Xdata error in solids

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gustavo Guidi, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. I repeat my message 1011 XDATA CODE ERROR, becouse I need toknow if it is a
    bug or something I'm doing wrong.

    I found that working with XDATA assigning a 1011 code for point work well in
    all the elements (solids included when you copy or move an object). You get
    the value and return the position the reference point is
    BUT, when you do a MIRROR doesn't work OK with SOLIDS (it works OK in lines,
    circles, etc) and remain allways the value of the original solid
    Is it there a any way to solve it

    Thanks again
    Gustavo Guidi, Oct 6, 2004
  2. Gustavo Guidi

    MP Guest

    sounds like you may have found a bug...

    I'm no xdata expert but without seeing your code it sounds like you know
    what you're doing
    and it's working with all entities except for 3dsolids
    according to the dxf reference 1011 should change with a mirror operation
    which you obviously already are aware of...

    snip from help for sake of reference...

    World Space Position

    1011. Unlike a simple 3D point, the WCS coordinates are moved, scaled,
    rotated, and mirrored along with the parent entity to which the extended
    data belongs. The WCS position is also stretched when the STRETCH command is
    applied to the parent entity and when this point lies within the select

    World Space Displacement

    1012. A 3D point that is scaled, rotated, or mirrored along with the parent,
    but not stretched or moved.

    World Direction

    1013. A 3D point that is rotated or mirrored along with the parent, but not
    scaled, stretched, or moved. The WCS direction is a normalized displacement
    that always has a unit length.

    end snip from help

    so hopefully someone can chime in and offer a fix for you.
    Judging by previous posts to the ng, Art Cooney is the Xdata expert as far
    as dxf codes go (afaik)
    Maybe he knows something we don't

    good luck in solving your dilema
    MP, Oct 6, 2004
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