
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by George Gerardo, Jr., Dec 14, 2004.

  1. I have a small command to bypass a few options in the xclip command. Most
    of the clips I do are rectangular so I wanted to cut to the chase.
    Basically, you initiate the command, select the xref and pick your corners.
    But I have 2 problems. 1. How do I turn the osnaps of after the command is
    finished? 2. The command works fine when you start a new drawing and have
    never initiated the xclip command, but if you try a second time there is an
    error. I know it is happening because it wants an answer on whether or not
    to delete the old boundary, I just have no clue how to correct it. I know a
    little about lisp from school, maybe just enough to get me in trouble, but
    any help would be appreciated. Here is the code; please bare with its'

    ;;Xref Clip with rectangle
    (defun c:xcc ()
    ;(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (setvar "osmode" 33)
    (setq xc1 (entsel "\nSelect xref to clip: "))
    (command "xclip" xc1 "" "n" "r")
    George Gerardo, Jr., Dec 14, 2004
  2. George Gerardo, Jr.

    BillZ Guest

    I don't know anything about xclip but if you want to set the osnaps back to what they were:

    (defun c:xcc ()
    ;(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (setq oosmd (getvar "osmode"))
    (setvar "osmode" 33)
    (setq xc1 (entsel "\nSelect xref to clip: "))
    (command "xclip" xc1 "" "n" "r")
    (setvar "osmode" oosmd)

    BillZ, Dec 14, 2004
  3. George Gerardo, Jr.

    Fred Wilson Guest

    Here's my version that we've been using to do the same thing :

    (defun c:xcliprec ( / SS_XREFS BFLAG ENAM CNT NUM )
    (setq BFLAG nil) ;T if exist boundary
    (princ "\nPick blocks to Xclip...")
    (setq SS_XREFS (ssget '((0 . "INSERT"))))
    ;;;if a 102 entry then it has a boundary already
    (if SS_XREFS
    (setq CNT 0 NUM (sslength SS_XREFS))
    (while (< CNT NUM)
    (setq ENAM (ssname SS_XREFS CNT) ;get first Xref in SelSet
    ELIST (entget ENAM)
    BFLAG (assoc 102 ELIST)
    CNT (1+ CNT)
    (if BFLAG (setq CNT NUM));if an exist bound then end while loop
    (if BFLAG ;if there is an existing boundary
    (progn ;BFLAG is true
    (command ".Xclip" SS_XREFS "" "" "" "" ) )
    (progn ;BFLAG is false
    (command ".Xclip" SS_XREFS "" "" "" ))
    (princ "\n\tNo blocks or xrefs were selected.")
    );if SS_XREFS
    Fred Wilson, Dec 14, 2004
  4. Thanks BillZ!

    Thanks Fred! Don't think I would have been able to figure that out.
    George Gerardo, Jr., Dec 14, 2004
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