x-section question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dlevy, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    I have a cross section problem. How can I have the cross section indicating
    arrows on the outside of the part? I can't drag them.
    dlevy, Feb 23, 2006
  2. dlevy

    matt Guest

    I'm assuming you mean you're making a section view on a drawing and want
    the arrows to point 180 degrees from where they are pointing. If you
    double click either end of the arrow, it should flip direction. May
    need a rebuild or ctrlQ to refresh the view.
    matt, Feb 23, 2006
  3. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    Direction of the arrows is not the problem.
    It is a section view on a drawing.

    To create a cross section view I have to select the ends of the part and it
    generates a line through the part. The arrows generated indicating the view
    direction of the section are inside the left and right boundaries of the
    part. I would like the arrows outside of the part.

    Cross sectional drawings should have the arrows indicating the direction of
    view *outside* of the part. Outside meaning to the left and to the right of
    the ends of the part.
    dlevy, Feb 23, 2006
  4. dlevy

    Brian Guest

    I am pretty sure I understand your problem. When you click on the end
    of the part, you are creating automatic contraints to the ends of your
    section line and the part. If you freehand a line, then create your own
    constraints ( leaving endpoints free to move ), and preselect the line prior
    to selecting section view, it will use your line. You can then drag the
    endpoints of the line and position to your liking, the section view
    annotations will follow.
    Brian, Feb 23, 2006
  5. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    Thanks! (I bet you have a cool job - I ride motocross)
    dlevy, Feb 23, 2006
  6. dlevy

    matt Guest

    If you want to edit the existing section line instead of deleting and
    making a new one, you can right click on the section line and "Edit
    Sketch" and remove the constraints on the endpoints of the line

    Also, you could just draw the line originally without clicking on the
    edges of the part which is why the constraints are there.
    matt, Feb 23, 2006
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