Writing and reading a list from a file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jim Nelson, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. Jim Nelson

    Jim Nelson Guest

    (using AutoDesk Map 3D 2005)

    If I write a list out to a file with something like:

    (setq mylist (list 1.2 1.3))
    (setq fn (open "c:\\listfile.txt" "w"))
    (princ mylist fn)
    (setq fn (close fn))

    ....and then retrieve the list with something like:

    (setq fn (open "c:\\listfile.txt" "r"))
    (setq mylist (read-line fn))
    (setq fn (close fn))

    ....the value of mylist is now a string "(1.2 1.3)"

    Is there any way to turn it back into a list that looks like (1.2 1.3) ?


    Jim Nelson, Mar 23, 2005
  2. Jim Nelson

    Paul Turvill Guest

    (setq mylist (read (read-line (n)))
    Paul Turvill, Mar 23, 2005
  3. Use the read function.
    Dale Levesque, Mar 23, 2005
  4. First, you are using the wrong function to write
    the data (you must use (print), not (princ), siince
    the former will not expand strings).

    So, the output expression would be:

    (print <list expression> <file>)

    The input expression would be:

    (read (read-line <file>))

    Anther thing you need to beware of is that if
    your data has real numbers in it, they will be
    rounded off to the 5th or 6th place, resulting
    in a loss of precision.
    Tony Tanzillo, Mar 24, 2005
  5. Jim Nelson

    Jim Nelson Guest

    Thank you all for your help!

    Jim Nelson, Mar 24, 2005
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