Writing a script ...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by A-DESIGN, Aug 25, 2004.


    A-DESIGN Guest

    Is it possible to write a SCRIPT to do the following stuff or I need to
    write a VBA?

    1- Find those layers that has WALL and EXISTING on their names ,(layer
    names),(for example) and change the color of those layers to "red" (for

    A-DESIGN, Aug 25, 2004

    A-DESIGN Guest

    Thanks Laurie, the problem is that I don't know how to find and change some
    layer's color which they have some words on theirs layer's name just by
    typing some commands on the command's line area?could you help me with that

    Let say I want to set all layer's color from (what ever) to "green" but
    those layers which their names are included the word of WALL.
    A-DESIGN, Aug 25, 2004
  3. The following in a .scr file (or copied /pasted into the command line, one
    line at a time) will ALMOST do what you want, I just can't get the ENTER
    after the layer names (and then a second one to exit the layer command) to
    go through properly. The ^c is only there to show that there was another
    ENTER after the second layer command. I needed two commands because I
    thought you wanted to find all layer names with both WALL and EXISTING.

    -LAYER c red *wall*existing*

    -LAYER c red *existing*wall*


    After reading your second post, I get the feeling you just want names like
    *WALL* and *EXISTING*

    Good luck,
    James Belshan, Aug 25, 2004

    A-DESIGN Guest

    That is it,
    Thank you so much
    A-DESIGN, Aug 25, 2004
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