Wrist pain

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mo, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. mo

    wc Guest

    I gave up dairy products. What everyone else said makes a difference
    too, but I found that I was having a reaction to dairy products which
    was causing inflammation. Last year I went to a neurologist who did some
    tests and recommended surgery, about 6 months ago I eliminated all
    dairy, last month I went back to the doc for follow up, she tested me
    and was pleased with the results. I still get a little sore after a busy
    week, but the pain and weakness is gone.

    wc, Feb 12, 2007
  2. mo

    s1reed Guest

    I haven't noticed any performance hit. We have 2; one is on a pretty
    standard machine (for cad that is) with 1.5 gig of ram and an nvidia
    graphics card. The other is on a dual processor machine with 1 gig of
    ram and the same nvidia card. There isn't any noticeable performance
    difference with or without the spacepilot. The driver has been updated
    a couple of times since our purchase, so I'd recommend updating your
    drivers and giving it another try.

    I will say that using a spacepilot is something of a matter of
    preference. We have 4 cad people; 2 love it and wouldn't give it up
    for anything, 2 didn't care for it and didn't want one. It does take a
    week or so to master the joystick as well as some tweaking to the

    Good Luck.
    s1reed, Feb 13, 2007
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