Wrap text in notes?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Robin Boudreault, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. I have a 3D part properties that is pretty long in character. I'd like to
    be able to wrap the text (make it appear on 2 lignes) on the 2D drawing. Is
    there any way Or I have to split it manually?

    Mech eng

    SW2004+ SP1
    AMD 1333 1024 ram
    Spaceball 4000FLX
    Hacked GeForce 3 to Quadro DCC
    Robin Boudreault, Jan 14, 2004
  2. There isn't any automatic way in the old Excel BOM. You can manually widen
    that line and manually put in a line feed character, but when thing change,
    you have to manually do it again. Too uncertain for me to consider it a
    good idea.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 14, 2004
  3. My problem is not in the BOM where I can stretch the width of column but in
    the cartrides where I don't want to stretch the space for the description of
    the part.

    Mech eng

    SW2004+ SP1
    AMD 1333 1024 ram
    Spaceball 4000FLX
    Hacked GeForce 3 to Quadro DCC
    Robin Boudreault, Jan 14, 2004
  4. I remedied this with a macro that fills in the Custom props. Say that my
    part description was

    Some Bracket - Some Weldment
    In the BOM I only wanted to show

    Some Bracket

    but in the Drawing Name I wanted to show

    Some Bracket
    Some Weldment

    I used the macro to set 2 custom prop fields
    "Description" & "Description2"

    "Description" fills in the BOM and "Description2" fills in the Title block

    This way I type into the form on my macro

    Some Bracket(ENTER)
    Some Weldment

    then the macro sets both of them accordingly by searching for the (Enter

    In other words there is no wrapping in SW you have to add an enter somehow.
    A function for creating a "wrapped after somany characters string" wouldn't
    be very dificult.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Jan 14, 2004
  5. This is what I feared, that wrap option would be nice (acad has it).

    Mech eng

    SW2004+ SP1
    AMD 1333 1024 ram
    Spaceball 4000FLX
    Hacked GeForce 3 to Quadro DCC
    Robin Boudreault, Jan 14, 2004
  6. Hum, does not work for me here, I don't see the square box but just a
    smaller space which does nothing when pasted.
    Mech eng

    SW2004 SP1
    AMD 1333 1024 ram
    Spaceball 4000FLX
    Hacked GeForce 3 to Quadro DCC

    Robin Boudreault, Jan 15, 2004
  7. I got it! But I have to do a design table to force the wrap character to
    show. Is there any ascii code to get it faster?

    I like that but I would prefer to be able to get it within SW..

    Mech eng

    SW2004 SP1
    AMD 1333 1024 ram
    Spaceball 4000FLX
    Hacked GeForce 3 to Quadro DCC
    Robin Boudreault, Jan 15, 2004
  8. hold ALT and type 013 this is the ascii code for enter
    Corey Scheich, Jan 15, 2004
  9. I don't know if this exactly what you are looking for, but
    I put a macro on my website today which lets you specify
    the width of the selected annotations; these annotations
    will then be "word wrap enable" (as I call it), which is
    not possible from the GUI of SolidWorks.

    The only blowback is that the annotation will loose the
    "use standard font" setting.

    If you want to give it a try go to my macro page at
    http://swtools.cad.de/macros.htm and take a look at
    the macro called mm_28.zip

    Any feedback is welcome.



    unofficial german SolidWorks helpsite
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    Stefan Berlitz, Jan 15, 2004
  10. Stefan,

    Nothing short of amazing!

    Keep up the GREAT work,

    John Picinich, Jan 15, 2004
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