
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Roger, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Roger

    Roger Guest

    The last message I see on this newsgroup is 10/20/03. Making sure it is
    still working. Sorry about the bother.
    Roger, Nov 4, 2004
  2. Roger

    Anne Brown Guest

    Hi Roger -

    The group is working and is quite active. (This was sent email to
    Roger also). The problem is probably with the settings on the
    Outlook Express 6 software you are using.

    Go to tools/options/maintenance and uncheck delete news messages
    x days
    after being downloaded. You will then retain all messages.
    Right click on
    the and choose reset groups. Redownload


    Menu item "View"MISSING , "Current View" choose "Show all

    Also choose "Tools" - "Options" -"maintenance" and unclick
    "Delete read
    message bodies in newsgroups" and "Delete messages older than
    ____ days"

    more information may be found at
    / or at
    "Inside Outlook Express" at
    Anne Brown, Nov 5, 2004
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