Working with Solids, e-mail list

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dan Bovinich \(home\), Feb 16, 2004.

  1. List Name: Working with Solids (SW CAD)

    Purpose: This list is for users of SolidWorks to help one another use the
    program more efficiently.

    Discussion mainly will be for beginners and intermediate skilled users.

    Topics would include how to's, general modeling, short-cuts, mating of
    assemblies, design tables, lofting, sweeps, translation of files from one
    CAD to SolidWorks, which hardware works best with SolidWorks, etc.

    This list is not for bashing SolidWorks.

    This is not an official SolidWorks sponsored site, just users helping users
    work with the best CAD software in existence!


    List Type: Unmoderated discussion
    Subscription: Does not require owner approval
    Archive: Readable by subscribers only
    Created: Jan 01, 2000
    Owner: Dan Bovinich
    To Join: send an email to
    To Post: Send mail to ''
    Stats: 239 subscribers / 2 messages per day
    Dan Bovinich \(home\), Feb 16, 2004
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