Workaround for FILEDIA and new drawing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Craig Scott, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. Craig Scott

    Craig Scott Guest

    I am looking for a work-around the following problem. Normally when
    opening a new drawing, a dialog box appears of available templates. If sys
    variable FILEDIA is set to 0 the template name prompt will appear on command
    line. However, if a script or program is active, the template name prompt
    will appear on command line even if FILEDIA is set to 1. How to I get
    around this to force the dialog box to always come up so that I can
    incorporate it into my AutoLISP routines. I know that I can use the tilde
    symbol, but I need a work-around to place at the end of my programs to
    insure that the next call for a new drawing will display the dialog box.

    Craig Scott, Jun 29, 2004
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