workaround for "delete local and inactivate from DM system"

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vlsidesign, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. vlsidesign

    vlsidesign Guest

    We are running Cadence version 5. We are startup company with small
    budget, so we are using Cadence unsupported but free DM system. THe
    problem is that once someone creates a cell view and checks it in, and
    then later "deletes local and inactivate from DM system", that the
    other users will then see that cellview coming up when they want to
    checkin files. The work around we've been using is to be careful by
    using the cyclic field that only selects cells that have been checked

    We were thinking of creating a script that when the person deletes the
    local/managed copy that the cell names would be captured, and then
    dumped into a file onto the filesystem. One then could take that file
    and have the other users access it to delete their local copies. One
    implementation of solution would be to use a Perl program to parse the
    log file to get the names, and then create a skill script that others
    could load. I was wondering though is there a more clever way, that
    maybe everytime a user does that sort of delete, that it could be
    captured "on the fly"? If so, how is that done? Or perhaps there may be
    a better way to do it? Thanks for any feedback.
    vlsidesign, Mar 24, 2005
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