Hi, Where can I find a cross hatch that looks like wood? Thank you.
Entra en esta direcciones de la Italia, http://space.tin.it/edicola/lwcon En la directamente Retini, allí encontrarás tramas para autocad. Raoul
Gracias Raoul, Now that I downloaded the wood grain hatch (.pat format).In which directory do I put it now? Muchas gracias por tu ayuda.
Hello again, I'm lost, I can't find the hatch directory in ACAD 2004. Can somebody help me please. Thank you
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately it did not work. I can't find any other hatch by name or any by searching the .pat extension. I can't even find the acad.pat file. I'm running ACAD2004. Thank you again.
What version of Windows are you using? If you can hatch, then there have to be *.pat files on your system. Have you looked in the appropriate subfolder of the Windows \ Documents and Settings folder? That's where they end up with later versions of Windows (i.e., XP). I have no idea why the Windows Search function wouldn't find them for you. ___
You got problems. Can you hatch at all? If so, you've got hatch patterns, and are having other problems.
WIndows 2000 and Xp will by default "hide system files"...in explorer>tools>folder options>view tab select "show hidden files and folders, then OK. You are looking for C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2004\R16.0\enu\Support\acad.pat and C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2004\UserDataCache\Support\acad.pat Thats the default hatch file.