wood hatch patterns

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JH, May 26, 2004.

  1. JH

    JH Guest

    using some wood hatch patterns in which the lines that make up the hatch do
    not connect.
    any suggestions or is it a hatch pattern file problem as I think it is?
    JH, May 26, 2004
  2. JH

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Not with the problem the OP described. To see the problem, try hatching an
    object at coordinates something like 1000000,1000000.
    Paul Turvill, May 26, 2004
  3. JH

    JH Guest

    yep, works great. looks like you can just place the snap base at the point
    of hatching, do it,
    if required move it back to 0,0. It would be good idea to just move the
    drawing closer to 0,0 and see if that clears it up instead of moving snap
    base all around, maybe
    JH, May 26, 2004
  4. JH

    Paul Turvill Guest

    True, however not everyone (i.e., surveyors, some CE types) has the luxury
    of being able to do so. Those coordinates are very significant in some
    Paul Turvill, May 27, 2004
  5. JH

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Yes. Now you've made my other point: hatch patterns *CAN* be created which
    display properly at huge distances from the origin. Autodesk (and many
    others) just never bothered to worry about sufficient precision.
    Paul Turvill, May 27, 2004
  6. JH

    teiarch Guest

    After reading this thread, I've learned something. Thanks for the knowledge.

    If you move to the thread I started as "Autocad Native Fonts", I was attempting to make the same point about their native fonts as you have made about their hatch patterns...but I guess I didn't express myself as well.
    teiarch, May 28, 2004
  7. JH

    Hugh Adamson Guest

    Hatch pattern definitions are contained in DWG/DXF so custom patterns do not
    face the (missing font) distribution problem, however there remains the
    potential for naming clashes when patterns with the same name but differing
    definition meet.

    Best avoid standard hatch pattern names when naming custom hatch patterns
    but (say) GRAVEL could be redefined to sharpen accuracy, used and
    distributed under a similar name (say) MYIDGRAVEL or GRAVELMYID. Outside the
    standard names it's probably Rafferty's rules - WOODGRAINs may vary!

    Hugh Adamson
    Hugh Adamson, May 31, 2004
  8. What is your personal E-mail address
    arshadmirza786, Jun 8, 2004
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