Wonderful world of .lsps

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GrumpyChick, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest


    just recently, in like the last two years I have stumbled upon the wonderful world of lisps (never needed 'em before but once you use a few you're hooked) by just useing some that others (mostely in one or another of these Autocad forums) have generated.

    Is there some kind of tutorial or a resource site of some sort that teaches you all the proper syntax or whatever for a .lsp so that I can more easily generate my own when the need arises for one?

    GrumpyChick, Apr 23, 2004
  2. GrumpyChick

    Walt Engle Guest

    You almost have to take a class at a community college to really get it.
    Walt Engle, Apr 23, 2004
  3. GrumpyChick

    David Kozina Guest

    The customization help files really do contain a wealth of information.
    As well as 99% of the function syntax requirements.

    You should be able to get your mitts on a hardcopy of the customization
    manual without too much trouble - I think you can still order one from
    Autodesk - so you can access the info away from the 'puter, when you have
    the desire/need.

    As for the example code provided therein - well, IMO these discussion groups
    shall always take precedence over that.

    Some other nice references to be on the look-out for:

    Maximizing AutoCAD R13 by Gesner/Middlebrook/Tanzillo (Autodesk Press) -
    Obviously doesn't contain the newest functions and programming tricks, but a
    fine, fine, overall customization reference.

    Essential AutoLISP by Roy Harkow (Springer-Verlag) - Again written ~R12,R13
    era, but still a helpful code reference.

    Code Complete by Steve McConnell (Microsoft Press) - Not an AutoLISP
    reference, per se, but provides some very helpful guidelines and rules of
    thumb for designing your code. I wish I had read this book about 15 years
    ago. Would've saved me quite a bit of headaches over the years.

    I believe Tony Tanzillo also co-authored another (earlier) book Maximizing
    AutoLISP for R12(?), but I'm not sure. I've heard good things about it, but
    alas, this one seems to be a rare find, and since I do not have it in my
    collection, I can say little more about it.

    David Kozina

    wonderful world of lisps (never needed 'em before but once you use a few
    you're hooked) by just useing some that others (mostely in one or another of
    these Autocad forums) have generated.
    teaches you all the proper syntax or whatever for a .lsp so that I can more
    easily generate my own when the need arises for one?
    David Kozina, Apr 23, 2004
  4. GrumpyChick

    Steve Jones Guest


    Nice & easy to follow.


    wonderful world of lisps (never needed 'em before but once you use a few
    you're hooked) by just useing some that others (mostely in one or another of
    these Autocad forums) have generated.
    teaches you all the proper syntax or whatever for a .lsp so that I can more
    easily generate my own when the need arises for one?
    Steve Jones, Apr 23, 2004
  5. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    Thanks... I'll definately have to take a look at that

    dont know any kind of programming at the moment but if I have need for something I'm a quick learner.
    GrumpyChick, Apr 23, 2004
  6. From one who learned on my own starting 15+ years ago......

    See if you have a local AutoCAD User group in your area, and attend
    I just started a LISP tutorial for the Greater Chicago AutoCAD User
    Group that meets once a month.
    Also the training class is posted on the GCAUG website and on my

    Search the internet for AutoLISP tutorials, I found
    http://acadsolutions.biz (my website)

    Read through some of the thousands of examples in this newsgroup.
    Even after all the years of programming, I learn something almost
    everytime I visit this newsgroup.
    Unfortunately, I have become seriously addicted to this newsgroup (plus
    cadmanager and VBA).

    I hope you learning goes well, AutoLISP is extremely useful tool and is
    stimulating for the mind.

    Alan Henderson
    Alan Henderson, Apr 23, 2004
  7. GrumpyChick

    BillZ Guest

    << dont know any kind of programming at the moment >>

    Don't let that stop you. Autolisp is actually the best entry level language because it's executed inside an interpeter. That makes it hard to really do any damage to the base programming.
    Also is easiest to learn.

    BillZ, Apr 23, 2004
  8. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    I dont believe they have users groups around here actually... dont think I looked real hard but when I did try to find one I couldt though. Ya have to understand Im not in America so sometimes were still a little bit back wards around here ;-)
    GrumpyChick, Apr 23, 2004
  9. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    yup thats a pretty good one. lisps now seem to be the same or similar difficulty as learning HTML in notepad and I learned the basics of that off of tutorials on the web so this should hopefully be almost as easy. Though I doubt there are quite as many resources of lisps as there are htm but thanks for the good start
    GrumpyChick, Apr 23, 2004
  10. GrumpyChick

    btlsp Guest

    btlsp, Apr 23, 2004
  11. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    none of the images work on that site for some reason
    GrumpyChick, Apr 23, 2004
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