Wireframe Error

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George.Maddever, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. Hi All,

    I've got a rather large assembly, that when I click on "wireframe", it
    all goes into a wireframe view apart from a dozen or so components,
    which resolutely remain shaded.

    See a sample screengrab here:

    http://www.jsr.com/~dinks/Misc/George/SolidWorks/Wireframe Error.JPG

    Now, I've also noticed when I drop these subassemblies onto a drawing
    sheet these same parts momentarily show up shaded (sometimes happens
    during drawing rebuilds) before appearing as they normally should in a
    drawing (linestyle over shaded).

    Now, is this a setting that's been inadvertently checked on some parts/
    subassemblies or is this a bug?

    The parts affected seem pretty random, and have been modelled by
    several different people. If I open the affected parts on their own I
    can get them to wireframe fine in the PART view, but it remains shaded
    in the assembly view.

    I've checked and there's no colours that have been added to faces,
    bodies , assemblies etc that are affecting it, so I've no idea where
    to look next.

    Any suggestions?


    George.Maddever, Oct 18, 2007
  2. George.Maddever

    Krister_L Guest

    Check if displaystate for the specific component within the assembly
    is changed.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Oct 18, 2007
  3. It looks like they have been forced to be shaded rather than going with
    whatever is the global setting. In the FeatureManager area, look at the
    upper RH corner - you will see a chevron - click it. Then see if those
    parts are forced there.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 18, 2007
  4. Wayne, Thanks a million! That solved it! I generally change my display
    states the old fashioned way and while I was aware of the method you
    suggested, it never occurred to look there.

    Thanks again for the winning tip!
    George.Maddever, Oct 18, 2007
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