What is the equilviant of the WinMain function in C++ programs in Visual Basic?
when you open a new project, you choose the sub/object that will start your app: a) a sub named "Main" b) a form like Form1 c) none (possible only if you are building a DLL ActiveX) - - - In VBA you can neither compile your app nor build dlls; your only choise is to make public/private your subs
HomeBoy, Haven't looked at the docs but Checkout ShellExecute API and see if that ='s. Good luck, Bob Coward CADS, Inc www.cadsinc.com 800-366-0946
What I'm looking is for some place to initialize a few things and put in a "last chance" error handel'er, that kind of thing. Only need to run once at load time. Thanks HomeBoy Out