Wingding plt.?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by LadeBak, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. LadeBak

    LadeBak Guest

    Whenever I plot a *.plt file a series of 1 lined pages with wingding like characters on them are printed instead of the actual printout of the file. How do I fix this? I don't know what type of plt files these are (such as hp-gl2, etc.) because they came from another company. So I'd like a fix for just about any plt document if its can be done.
    LadeBak, Mar 2, 2004
  2. Your plotter does not interpret the data in the files, it prints the data.
    That is one of the things that can happen when the files are not made with a
    driver for that particular device. You'll have to ask the people who gave
    you these files for what plotter they are made. Then try to find a device
    that can digest them, or ask the sender to create new files, using a driver
    for your plotter.


    characters on them are printed instead of the actual printout of the file.
    How do I fix this? I don't know what type of plt files these are (such as
    hp-gl2, etc.) because they came from another company. So I'd like a fix for
    just about any plt document if its can be done.
    Govert J. Knopper, Mar 2, 2004
  3. LadeBak

    LadeBak Guest

    Is there any way around this? The files weren't actually "given" to us. We took the company over and as a result we took over their computer data as well. There is no one left to get a hold of. Have any other suggestions?
    LadeBak, Mar 2, 2004
  4. LadeBak

    ToniG Guest

    Check the PLT with our Free PLT Viewer....

    If the preview is OK, then the file should work fine on HP Designjet
    plotters, like HP Designjet 75x or 105x.

    What plotter are you trying to plot ?


    We took the company over and as a result we took over their computer data as
    well. There is no one left to get a hold of. Have any other suggestions?
    ToniG, Mar 3, 2004
  5. LadeBak

    LadeBak Guest

    Thanks, I'll try it right now.
    LadeBak, Mar 3, 2004
  6. LadeBak

    patrick_aps Guest

    HP laserJet 5 should understand HPGL/2, if you installed a PCL5eor PCL6 driver. If you only have a PostScript driver, youl'll get the Windings...
    You could have 2 printers (one PS and one PCL5e) using the same port and pointing to the same machine.
    You could also use GoPlot to "pick up" the PLT files and direct them to the printerqueue, but you also need a queue with a PCL5e driver.
    patrick_aps, Mar 3, 2004
  7. LadeBak

    LadeBak Guest

    Using the PCL5e driver for Laserjet 5si didn't work. Are there any other driver formats that could possibly translate the *.plt files into a readable format for the printer?
    LadeBak, Mar 4, 2004
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