Windows XP Home & Microstation SE 5.7

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Jose Bonifacio, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. Good morning everyone.

    I have recently upgraded some of my computers from NT4 Workstation to
    XP Home and I have started to get file corruption reports from my
    users. It only occurs on the XP Home machine. This is what happens:

    A user would open a file on a server (Windows Server 2003) and
    sometimes everything is fine. When he opens another file again then
    there is this dialog box which says 'end of file missing' repair?. If
    he answers yes then the file is corrupted. If he press the 'escape'
    key then and opens the file via Microstation File manager, then
    everything is fine. On the average this occurs 1 out of every 3 file
    opening process.

    Any ideas on why this is occuring would help us a lot.

    Thank you very much.
    Jose Bonifacio, Dec 10, 2003
  2. My recommendation would be to unload Windows XP Home, reformat the
    drives and load Windows XP Pro onto the machines. Microstation SE 5.7
    is an old version of Microstation and should be upgraded to at least
    Microstation-J latest version. Microstation V-8 would be the ideal
    version to upgrade to, but since most MDL's, Macros, and User Commands
    need to be recompiled to make them work with V-8, I would not
    recommend going to V-8. AutoCAD will not work with XP Home without
    much gnashing of teeth and software manipulation if even then.

    It seems that you are trying to use archaic software programs with a
    new operating system. Programs that were never certified by either
    Bently, AutoDesk or Microsoft to be compatible or workable with
    Windows XP Home.

    Like all good things, it has come time to upgrade all your software,
    not just your operating software.

    Michael Oakley
    Michael Oakley, Dec 10, 2003
  3. Thanks Michael,

    Yes, we have been planning to upgrade to V7 2 years ago but most of
    our MDLs and Exe programs were designed for MS95 & MSSE. We are
    talking of several hundreds of MDLs/Exe files here (972 to be exact)
    which are regularly being used for our various projects. They have
    started to convert to MSJ but again V8 came out so management was
    hesitant to continue to upgrade to V7 when V8 was just around the
    corner. Plus there is the learning curve for our programmers to learn
    a new system. Plus bugs that needs to be fixed per MDL.

    I think I will take your advise and revert back to Win NT or Win2K.
    The OS is a lot cheaper than the MS V8.

    Jose Bonifacio, Dec 11, 2003
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