Windows SP2

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Simon Miller, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. Simon Miller

    Simon Miller Guest


    I have searched the SolidWorks site looking for information on their
    position with regards to Windows XP SP2. To date I have yet to find any
    mention of this service pack and any issues relating to SolidWorks 2004 or
    2005. I have got several machines here that have their update policy set to
    "automatic download and install", now I hear you all scream that this is a
    dangerous policy to follow and I agree, but this policy is the standard
    setting from Microsoft and is set as the default once SP2 is installed and
    users have changed to this policy to stop the nagging screens.
    On the positive side, with these machines I have had no day to day issues at
    all with SolidWorks or any other programs, except the ability to apply a
    service pack to SolidWorks 2004.
    Does any know of SolidWorks standpoint on SP2?

    Regards Simon
    Simon Miller, Sep 13, 2004
  2. Simon Miller

    Pete Guest

    This is posted on the Solidworks website:

    8/27/04 Bulletin - Support for Win XP Pro SP2

    SolidWorks will support Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 as of SolidWorks 2004
    SP5 and SolidWorks 2005 SP1. It is not recommended that you update to this
    Windows service pack until the indicated SolidWorks service packs.
    Pete, Sep 13, 2004
  3. Simon Miller

    Scott Guest

    SW will probably run on XP SP2 fine. But you will not be able to install a
    SP untill SP5 of SW04, or SP1.0 of SW05 is out.

    Scott, Sep 13, 2004
  4. Simon Miller

    Simon Miller Guest

    Does that mean I cannot install SW2005 when the CD's get here?
    Simon Miller, Sep 13, 2004
  5. Simon Miller

    Black Dragon Guest

    Why don't you learn how to properly administer your boxen instead of
    whinging it?

    Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Services --> Automatic
    Updates --> right mouse click --> Properties --> set Starup Type to
    disabled --> OK --> right click again --> Stop the service.

    You will still be able to do updates manually without having to worry
    about Windows calling home to mommy Gates whenever it feels like it.

    Black Dragon, Sep 13, 2004
  6. Simon Miller

    Scott Guest

    I don't know about the CD's, but according to the site it says SP0. But I
    would hope that either they fix the Windows installer problem before the
    SP0.0 CD's are shipped or they send out more SP1.0 CD's when SP1.0 comes

    Scott, Sep 13, 2004
  7. Simon Miller

    Simon Miller Guest

    I know how to stop the updates thanks, but so do users know how to turn them
    on. I run a small design consultancy, not an IT consultancy! I have not
    deviated from either MS policy or SW policy and I am now in a negative
    position. SolidWorks never directly informed me of the incompatibility issue
    and that's wrong in my opinion.
    Simon Miller, Sep 13, 2004
  8. Simon Miller

    cadmgr2004 Guest

    There is a tool posted on Microsoft's Web site that allows companies
    that have Automatic Update running on their machines to leave the
    feature on while temporarily blocking Service Pack 2 (SP2). We have
    not tested the tool.

    Full story at

    I have got several machines here that have their update policy set to
    cadmgr2004, Sep 13, 2004
  9. It works. It prompts the user with a list of updates and asks if it's ok to
    download and install. You have to be sure and uncheck the SP2 download.
    Once unchecked it remains that way until you check it.
    Rob Rodriguez, Sep 14, 2004
  10. Simon Miller

    MM Guest


    MS policy and SW policy are not complementary to each other, never have

    Typically (and this goes for Pro-E and all the rest), O.S. updates can
    significantly affect (to the point of being unusable) the performance of
    highly complex software like Solidworks.

    Incompatibilities are usually posted on the SW web site for this reason. If
    you allow your users to arbitrarily update the O.S.'s of your workstations
    you will never have anything but problems.

    Like I said, this is true for ALL of the design systems out there, not just
    SW. MS makes changes and releases fixes and SP's WITHOUT consulting anyone.
    The software vendors have react to this and that takes some time.

    So,, in a nutshell, screw MS policy. You make your living with SW, not with
    the O.S. version it's running on. You need to put a system in place to
    manage this. It doesn't have to be complicated, and it doesn't require an IT
    pro either.


    MM, Sep 14, 2004
  11. Simon Miller

    jb Guest

    We get a steady stream of information from our VAR.. I'd be jumpping on them
    If it were me. Have installed SW4 sp 4.1 before XP sp2. All is well. Still
    waiting for the 5.0 cd from Solidworks..

    jb, Sep 14, 2004
  12. Simon Miller

    Ken Maren Guest

    So if I have this straight due to MS SP2 I should make sure (due to
    the WI conflicts) I should wait to install MS SP2 until I have SW 2005
    SP1 installed on my machines? Or install SW2004 SP5 and make sure
    when going to SW 2005 have SP1 disks?

    Ken Maren
    Ken Maren, Sep 14, 2004
  13. Simon Miller

    Devin Guest

    by the way, SW2001 works fine in SP2

    Devin, Sep 14, 2004
  14. Simon Miller

    Michael Guest

    "Will not work" or "SW won't guarantee that it will work" ???

    big difference between the two
    Michael, Sep 14, 2004
  15. I believe this is correct.
    Rob Rodriguez, Sep 14, 2004
  16. "Third base!!"
    Richard Doyle, Sep 14, 2004
  17. What problems are you experiencing?

    SW2003 SP5.1 is working on WinXP SP2 but I have noticed periodic "slow
    loading" of moderately sized assemblies and we are trying to pin down
    the cause.

    Lenny Kikstra, Sep 15, 2004
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