Windows Installer---ARGH!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michael, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest

    lost my hard drive the other day (good backups, thank god!) --so here I am
    on Saturday trying to put everything back togethor..

    After an apparently successful Windows Installer installation of SW2003, it
    generates the following error message:

    "The Solidworks service pack manager needs to reboot the computer in order
    to complete the initial installation of Windows Installer. Do you want to
    reboot the computer now?"

    Unfortunately, even if let it reboot, it generates the same message every
    time the machine boots...

    I've already done a complete uninstall of SW (including removing Registry
    entries) & reinstall , which does no good--interestingly, I get the above
    error message even when SW is not installed. Among other things, this seems
    to prevent me from instaling SPs... But SP0 of 2003 seems to work fine...

    Anybody got any suggestions?
    Michael, Jan 17, 2004
  2. Michael-
    If you are installing SolidWorks Office or Office Pro, look in the registry
    for related software folders such as PDMWorks and Photoworks, ToolBox, etc.
    and delete those too. Also, did you pick the C: drive for the installation
    target? I also delete all remaining folders under program files, again
    looking for related programs.
    If I were in your shoes, I would consider a complete format of the hard
    drive and then a complete reinstall of all programs. I actually do this
    every 60 days or so, it really helps maintain fast computer speeds.
    Good Luck,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Jan 17, 2004
  3. Michael

    matt Guest

    Well, not to rub salt in the wound, but if you're installing 2003, you
    have the option of a non-Windows Installer install, which simplifies a
    lot of things.

    Anyway, now that you have this problem, it is a Win 2000 SP4 problem.
    The message will go away if you delete the following registry key:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion >

    good luck

    matt, Jan 18, 2004
  4. Michael

    Michael Guest

    thanks for the tip--the registry edit solved the problem...

    don't know what came over me that I didn't just use the traditional
    installer--don't have time to redo it at this point tho.

    thanks again.
    Michael, Jan 18, 2004
  5. Michael

    Michael Guest

    If I were in your shoes, I would consider a complete format of the hard
    huh? I've got something like 6 hours into patching the OS, re-installing
    software, reconfiguring, blah, blah, blah... I find it hard to imagine that
    the performance improvement given by a periodic reformat would be anywhere
    near enough to justify that kind of time investment
    Michael, Jan 19, 2004
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