Windows Firewall & crashing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hayduke, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    I've been crashing SW2006 sp2.1 and 3.1 on a regular basis, doing the
    simplest of tasks, on a Xi Opteron148, 2Gb ram, Fx1100. Thought it might
    have been my video driver, updated to the latest, not much
    difference...then I thought to check Windows Firewall, which I had
    turned off last year sometime...well it was ON...grrr!

    Now I suppose I need to do a complete wipe of SW frome my system? Or
    should I try a "Repair Installation" first?

    One of many things I wish SW would do better is check first for any
    conflicting software running before installation, I turned off 3 other
    services that could hose the install, I just didn't think to check that
    WinFirewall was *still* turned off...

    hayduke, Jan 25, 2006
  2. hayduke

    TOP Guest

    Why do you think the firewall was causing you to crash?
    TOP, Jan 26, 2006
  3. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    I can't think of any other reason why it should be crashing so
    frequently, sometimes in desperation a 're-install' is the only way

    Our IT guy was telling me of a video game he was installing at home checked to see that all the comflicting things were turned
    off before it installed, seems like SWX could do the same...
    hayduke, Jan 26, 2006
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