window trigger needed

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Dominic Duvarney, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. Is there a trigger for switching between a schematic and a layout
    window and vice versa?


    Dominic DuVarney
    Dominic Duvarney, Feb 8, 2006
  2. Correction, I don't want a trigger for switching between the 2, I want to
    run a function when I switch between a schematic and layout.

    Dominic Duvarney, Feb 8, 2006
  3. Hi Dominic,

    I'm assuming you're talking about descending from a schematic into a layout?
    (or returning from a layout into a schematic)? If so, you can use
    deRegUserTriggers() for that. This can register a function which will get called
    (either an application trigger, a menu trigger, or a post-install trigger) and
    will be told what event caused it via the arguments. The same functions will get
    called when you open a new window - but the information in the argument to say
    what event occurred will be different.

    If this is it, it's covered well in the manuals. If this isn't it, perhaps you
    can explain further what you mean by "switching" from schematic to layout?


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 9, 2006
  4. Hi, this is a small example, based on a window popup menu,
    you can place dynamic created entries in the item and callback
    lists as well, should also work with fixed menus.

    But I wouldn't say that is is a trigger, it just detects
    what type is the current edited cellview and switches entries based on

    Hope this helps,

    procedure( BFraiseWindowsPopUp( )
    let( ( l_itemList l_callBackList )

    ( geGetEditCellView()~>cellViewType == "schematic"
    l_itemList = list( "Schematic" )
    l_callBackList = list(
    "printf( \"The application is the schematic editor\n\" )" )
    ( geGetEditCellView()~>cellViewType == "maskLayout"
    l_itemList = list( "Layout" )
    l_callBackList = list(
    "printf( \"The application is the layout editor\n\" )" )
    ) ;; close cond

    ) ;; close hiCreateSimpleMenu
    ) ;; close hiDisplayMenu

    ) ;; close let

    ) ;; close BFraiseWindowsPopUp

    ;; building the bindkeys for all usefull applications
    let( ( l_applicationList )

    l_applicationList = list(

    foreach( t_application l_applicationList
    hiSetBindKey( t_application "<Key>F8" "BFraiseWindowsPopUp( )" )
    ) ;; close foreach
    ) ;; close let
    Bernd Fischer, Feb 9, 2006
  5. Thanks for the reply Bernard. Finding the application in a
    function isn't my issue though. I want to trigger a function call
    just by making the window with the different tool active. I want
    to update my menu entries immmediately upon a tool change without
    having to use a bindkey. Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

    Dominic Duvarney, Feb 9, 2006
  6. .... this is a 'window manager' task.
    A SKILL trigger needs somehow an event, opening a window or launching
    an application.
    Honestly I think what you want do is not possible that way.

    Bernd Fischer, Feb 9, 2006
  7. Bernd is right. There's no trigger (at least at the SKILL level) that gets
    invoked upon a window being current.

    It writes hiSetCurrentWindow(window(num)) into the CDS.log file - but it didn't
    actually call hiSetCurrentWindow - not that this would help, since you can't
    intercept it - this is so that replaying of the log file works.

    I did find a PCR asking for this:

    PCR: 409445
    Title: How to register current window change trigger ?

    Which does have a workaround within it - not exactly a nice way of doing it, but
    better than nothing:

    MyCurWindow = 0
    procedure( MyCheckCurWindowCB( )
    let( (newCurWindow)
    newCurWindow = hiGetCurrentWindow()
    when( newCurWindow && newCurWindow != MyCurWindow
    printf( "Old current window = %d, new current window = %d\n"
    MyCurWindow newCurWindow )
    MyCurWindow = newCurWindow
    hiRegTimer( "MyCheckCurWindowCB()" 5 )

    (Thanks to Pete Zakel for the workaround code).

    Obviously you should minimise the amount of code that is being invoked every
    half second (which is what the above does) .


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 9, 2006
  8. Thanks Andrew,

    That's actually how I am currently doing it, but am concerned
    about long term drain on system resources. The code below works
    but it just seems sloppy. This is code I want let cicuit and layout
    designers use but doing a repetitive check isn't something I would
    feel comfortable with without knowing potential side effects.

    unless(boundp('lastVT) lastVT = "maskLayout")
    unless( deGetViewType() == lastVT
    lastVT = deGetEditViewType()
    when(boundp('myFixedMenu) && hiIsFormDisplayed(myFixedMenu)
    when(lastVT == "maskLayout" updateMyFixedMenu(?tool "layout"))
    when(lastVT == "schematic" undateMyFixedMenu(?tool "schematic"))
    hiRegTimer("checkVT()" 30)

    Once again, thanks for your help Andrew.

    Dominic Duvarney, Feb 9, 2006
  9. Dominic Duvarney

    Guest Guest

    Actually, hiRegCurWindowTrigger() was added in IC 5.2.51, so it will be
    available in newer releases.

    Until then, the workaround Andrew posted should work.

    -Pete Zakel

    There is one fault that I must find
    With the twentieth century,
    And I'll put it in a couple of words:
    Too adventury.
    What I'd like would be some nice dull monotony
    If anyone's gotony.

    - Ogden Nash
    Guest, Feb 9, 2006
  10. Hi Dominic,

    I agree, it's inelegant. But the only option if you want the UI to work that

    That said, your code would be better if it recorded its own idea of the current
    window, and only updated your form if the current window was different from the
    recorded current window. This means it would not actually be doing much work
    every time the polling occurs - unless the current window had changed (which is
    presumably a relatively rare event compared with the period of the timer).

    I suppose you're doing that by checking whether the view type matches the last
    view type - but even deGetViewType() probably takes some resources (although not
    many). Perhaps you could check first the window changing, then the view type?


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 9, 2006
  11. I'll be watching for it. Thanks to all who contributed to this topic.
    I may just have users manually do the change until the new trigger is
    available to us.

    Dominic Duvarney, Feb 9, 2006
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