Wind loading calculations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Andy Graham, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. Andy Graham

    Andy Graham Guest

    Has anyone ever had to do wind loading calculations on a model? I have
    a product that is designed to go on the top of a lamp post and the
    client wants to know the wind loading calculations.

    Not a clue where to start!
    Andy Graham, Sep 26, 2006
  2. Andy Graham

    Chebeba Guest

    Chebeba, Sep 26, 2006
  3. Andy Graham

    Andy Graham Guest

    It certainly is something that is quite involved when you start doing a
    bit of Google work on it.

    The product is a CCTV unit that goes on the top of a lighting column
    (or specialised column) and the customer is looking at getting some
    figures as to the kind of additional loading they will need to provide
    for by having the unit up there. They have a wide range of lighting
    columns available to them so I would always advocate the bigger the
    better as "whip" will always be a factor with a moving unit.

    In my ignorance I assumed there would be a standard formula along the
    lines of surface area x wind velocity = magic answer. From what I have
    read the other factors of air pressure etc play a massive part in the

    I am in the UK and regards to your comment about getting a structural
    engineer to sign it off - I wish! Sadly from what I can gather so far
    if the engineer wanted a fiver for his time the client would run
    Andy Graham, Sep 26, 2006
  4. Andy Graham

    jjs Guest

    The standard codes that a building structural engineer will look at
    are not really designed to help with something as small as a CCTV
    camera. You will be able to get a feel for the direct pressure
    loading due to windspeed. The web will give you average windspeeds at
    differnt heights in different parts of the UK - I'll have to see if I
    can relocate the link. I doubt the second order effects are really
    worth bothering but that sort of assumtion is how things go wrong !!
    Try CCTV camera suppliers an see if they have any recommended
    fasteners and brackets for different locations.

    If you client makes lighting columns, don't they have the inhouse
    expertise to appraise the wind loading of various lamp housings on
    the top of their posts? A CCTV housing would be similar - I think.

    jjs, Sep 26, 2006
  5. Andy Graham

    YouGoFirst Guest

    You can try ANSI/TIA/EIA 222 standard. That is the standard that governs
    towers and antenna poles. The calculation method in there is taken from an
    ASCE book that has a lot of wind loading information.
    YouGoFirst, Sep 26, 2006
  6. Andy Graham

    Ed Guest

    As someone mentioned above, the best place may be to go to the camera
    manufacturer and tell them that you need the wind load rating
    capability. If the laws in the UK is anything like the US this means
    that the Manufacturer is the one that is ultimately responsible.
    Actually this makes more sense because the engineerin for the camera's
    can be spread out of a large number of camera's. A Structural
    Engineering Analysis here in the States is more for custom, one of a
    kind and unique situations not something that comes out of a box. In
    the States the UL sticker on the camera would not apply but the
    European standard takes in a lot more of the physical issues of
    products and if the camera is properly rated then this work could
    already be done.

    One other comment is that someone mentioned the average wind load.
    What is really needed is the maximum wind load that has been accepted
    by the appropriate regulatory agency.

    Assuming that the product is properly rated then a good assumption is
    that if the mounting holes that are provided with the camera are all
    utilized, (ie. proper size and number of fasteners) in an appropriate
    manner then this should be good.

    Now, as a rule of thumb I have been told that here in the states that
    the structure should be able to withstand 50 pounds per sq foot.
    Again, this is only a rule of thumb and a smaller item would have less
    "effective" area then a flat wall but it is unlikely that the camera
    has more then 1 sq foot of area, (unless it is a massive camera and
    housing) and it is hard to imagine that standard mountings etc. would
    not be able to handle 50 pounds. So, there is a good chance that this
    is a very low probablility of failure but the camera manufacturer
    should definately certify their product. If not then you should find a
    different manufacturer.

    Hope this helps.


    Hope this helps

    It is also fairly safe to assume that if the camera comes with
    Ed, Sep 27, 2006
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