WildFire Ver.2...

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by geforge_f, May 10, 2005.

  1. geforge_f

    geforge_f Guest

    What is a different between WildFire-Ver.2-M0050 and WildFire Ver.2-
    M0100... ?
    which version is newest.... ?

    thx. fb.
    geforge_f, May 10, 2005
  2. geforge_f

    shaun Guest

    Most likely nothing you can tell. Usually the M0x0 number is the
    "build" M050 means proe wildfire ver2.0 build 50. Using this new rule I
    am assuming that you mean M0100 which would be 100. M010 would be 10.
    10 is before 50 and 100 is after. Now to the differences in builds.
    Most of the time (99.99%) they are glitch and crash fixes, minor
    changes that the everyday user will rarly tell. I am on M080 and I
    havn't had a crash since I went to M080 from M070(knock on wood) so I
    haven't changed. The next big change won't be untill Wildfire 3.0 and
    even then it will be minor. The biggest changed happend when it went
    from 2001 i^2 to wildfire 1.0. After that they have been minor.

    On a side note I hope with 3.0 they do something to save their asses.
    Cause Proe is quickly loosing the race. It iether needs to add a lot
    more functionality like (Catia, UniGraphix) or lose some and go against
    Solid Works. I think ProE kills solid works but the learning curve pro
    has is a big negative. I have used Unix Graphix and it rules proE. ProE
    is to expensive to compete with Solid Works and it isn't powerfull
    enough to compete with UG. I would love to here from the rest of the
    forum lurkers if you think I am wrong or just want to say your opion.
    shaun, May 10, 2005
  3. On another side note. I've just installed M110 from M040, M110 allows you to
    add a hole from a hole by just moving a grip to the axes of the hole you
    want it dimensioned from.

    Gary Miglionico
    Brookhaven National Lab
    Gary Miglionico, May 11, 2005
  4. geforge_f

    Ron M. Guest

    Didn't you mean Unigraphics instead of UniGraphix and Unix Graphix? Also,
    unless Unigraphics is orders of magnitude better than it was at V10.3.5,
    Pro/E Wildfire 2 can most likely hold its own against UG NX or whatever it's
    called these days. Personally, I don't care for the sketcher in SolidWorks
    compared to Pro/E's Intent Manager--or "Intent Mangler" as it is referred to
    by those who don't 'get it'. The Pro/E learning curve issue is subjective.
    Some people pick it up very quickly and others struggle severely with it for
    the duration of their usage of the application. It's the same with a lot of
    other software applications for certain people. But Pro/E does seem to trip
    up more than its fair share of users. :)

    Ron M.
    Ron M., May 12, 2005
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