Wildfire browser & Adobe acrobat

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Robert, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. Robert

    Robert Guest

    If I link to a URL in a WF note which includes an Adobe pdf I don't get the
    link. Is there a way to setup acrobat in the wf browser or make Internet
    Explorer the browser of choice?

    Robert, Aug 29, 2004
  2. Robert

    hamei Guest

    ?? IE *IS* the "browser of choice" in Pro/E. THEIR choice,
    not mine, dare I say. Using Netcrap or Mazolla Pro/E always
    bitches at me.
    hamei, Aug 29, 2004
  3. Robert

    David Janes Guest

    : If I link to a URL in a WF note which includes an Adobe pdf I don't get the
    : link. Is there a way to setup acrobat in the wf browser or make Internet
    : Explorer the browser of choice?
    Whose version of Java are you using? The Pro/e browser is pretty much tied to the
    Windows implementation of Java. All the file handling, preview and other screen
    presentation stuff are run from Java script files. If there's any incompatibility,
    it might show up in difficulty handling references to loading external programs,
    like Acrobat. But the Pro/e browser is home grown, not related to IE in any way,
    that I can tell. And no, I don't think there's any way to replace browsers.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Aug 30, 2004
  4. Robert

    hamei Guest

    Probably I should shut up but *usually* that's not how
    it works. Most companies use the IE dll's and just put
    their own pretty pictures on top. That's how an Autocad
    install can trash your entire system :-(

    If PTC *is* using the Windows Java they should be shot.
    Windows Java is not Java, which even the courts have
    recognized and forced Microsoft to change. There's
    absolutely no point to Java if you have a different
    one for every platform - which MS immediately recognized
    and tried to subvert by co-option. As usual, Microsoft
    also should be shot.

    Guess I should install Wildfire (on Irix) and see what
    they did. We don't have to put up with that Microsoft
    swill in SGI-land :)
    hamei, Aug 30, 2004
  5. Robert

    Robert Guest

    Sorry! Problem solved. Pro was blocked from the net and was loading
    local files only. I'm just gettin' slow & stupid.
    Robert, Aug 30, 2004
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