Wildfire and datums on the fly

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Bill McBride, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. Bill McBride

    Bill McBride Guest

    Hi All

    A simple Q as I am newish to wildfire. In 2001 the 'on the fly' datum was
    straight forward to create and subsequently modify. In Wildfire the only
    way I can see to do it is to move the plane selection window down so I can
    grab the 'make datum' icon off the standard icon list down the RHS. This,
    although a little clumsy works. However when I modify the component (edit
    definition) I do not see the dimensions for the datum plane created on the
    fly. To get to them I need to go to the model tree and expand the details
    for the feature created off the datum plane. This seems a backwards step to
    me. Have I missed some critical aspect??

    I hope this makes sense to you readers and thanks for any advice
    Bill McBride, Feb 23, 2004
  2. Bill McBride

    David Janes Guest

    : Hi All
    : A simple Q as I am newish to wildfire. In 2001 the 'on the fly' datum was
    : straight forward to create and subsequently modify. In Wildfire the only
    : way I can see to do it is to move the plane selection window down so I can
    : grab the 'make datum' icon off the standard icon list down the RHS. This,
    : although a little clumsy works. However when I modify the component (edit
    : definition) I do not see the dimensions for the datum plane created on the
    : fly. To get to them I need to go to the model tree and expand the details
    : for the feature created off the datum plane.

    Yes, this is a little weird, compared to the way it was. It has the advantage,
    though, of making this hybrid datum on the fly reusable. The whole business (datum
    and sketch) are merged into an AUTO_GROUP. The datum is hidden, though it can be
    unhidden and referenced, as I'm sure you've discovered. That means it can be used
    for future features. All the feature dimensions, including those of the datum on
    the fly, are shown when you highlight the AUTO_GROUP and click Edit.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Feb 24, 2004
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