Wildfire 2.0 production when?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by meld_b, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. meld_b

    meld_b Guest

    Anyone have an update? Is it shipping yet? Late March is ancient
    history now.

    I see that this has UNDO!! Oooooo what will the industry do with THAT.
    Ok, so there are a few with this but not the big guys right?

    I'm itching to try out some of these Mechanica upgrades too...

    meld_b, Apr 17, 2004
  2. meld_b

    David Janes Guest

    Front page news on PTC's website: WF2 Released!


    : Anyone have an update? Is it shipping yet? Late March is ancient
    : history now.
    : I see that this has UNDO!! Oooooo what will the industry do with THAT.
    : Ok, so there are a few with this but not the big guys right?
    : I'm itching to try out some of these Mechanica upgrades too...
    : -Dan
    David Janes, Apr 17, 2004
  3. meld_b

    Pete Guest

    Wildfire 2 Production (F000) is slated to release - tomorrow, April
    19. There was a 1 month delay from the March 19 date. I just had
    this confirmed by a source at PTC on Thursday.

    The 19th is the RTM (Release to Manufacture) date, i.e. the CD's start
    getting burned. It should appear on the website for download by
    mid-week, and figure another week or so before you can order CD's
    manually. I don't know what PTC's policy is regarding shipping CDs
    unannounced to maintenance-paying customers. Additionally, the
    Intralink-compatible release is already available for download - 3.3
    M021. I updated our Intralink production server on Friday, and it
    went smoothly.

    Of course, everyone's going to immediately install it and start using
    it for production, right?

    Peter Brown
    Pete, Apr 18, 2004
  4. meld_b

    meld_b Guest

    Thanks guys - when I wrote this I hadn't noticed the website. Just a
    side note: Seems like the announcement of the production version
    shipping would get a little higher billing than the everyday headlines..
    ho-hum brand new release... Got to wake this company UP. OK a few clicks
    away there's a little excitment...

    My local guy guessed that the CD's would take a "week or two" And
    confirmed that I could download the code now. I think he said the
    "manual ftp" was a better bet.

    Yes actually... I do feel very fortunate that I don't have any
    psychological or political barriers to keep me from moving right into
    Wildfire 2.0 and not looking back. I do need to move to a new hard
    drive, and find some time to do the load. -meld
    meld_b, Apr 23, 2004
  5. meld_b

    Pete Guest

    Yeah, I don't have any psychological barriers to going over either -
    mine us purely practical. We use Division Productview to automate all
    of our printing (we create PDF files overnight) and, as usual, it will
    probably be Aug-Sept before they have a Wildfire 2.0 adapter for the
    publisher. Since 2.0 files will not open in Wildfire 1, any file
    saved in 2.0 will not publish - which is unacceptable.

    I am surprised that they got the correct release of Intralink (M021)
    out before the production Pro/ENGINEER version. That is usually
    another roadblock to early implementation.

    Pete, Apr 23, 2004
  6. meld_b

    Pete Guest

    Wildfire 2.0 Production (F000) is up on the PTC website. At
    http://www.ptc.com/cs/doc/swupdate.htm you need to first select the
    'Request' link to initiate the license code generation.

    Pete, Apr 27, 2004
  7. meld_b

    David Janes Guest

    : Wildfire 2.0 Production (F000) is up on the PTC website. At
    : http://www.ptc.com/cs/doc/swupdate.htm you need to first select the
    : 'Request' link to initiate the license code generation.
    Thanks, Pete, I hope everyone's paying attention to this.
    David Janes, Apr 28, 2004
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