Wildfire 1.0 Stability and Performance

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by jstewart, Dec 11, 2004.

  1. jstewart

    jstewart Guest

    We have been having a lot of problems with Wildfire 1.0 relating to
    non-reproducible exits of the software. Is there anyone else out there
    that are having the same problems? We are on datecode M220 of Wildfire
    1.0 and Dell hardware.

    Wildfire 1.0 seems to be a shocking release of Pro/ENGINEER regarding
    stability and reliability. I heard a whisper that PTC are not
    recommending customers move to Wildfire 1.0 because of this. They are
    recommending moving straight to Wildfire 2.0.

    The issues seem to be related to non-initialised memory within the
    software, but PTC seem a wee bit relucant to admit this. The issues
    are also greatly increased in a PDMLink environment.

    Can anyone tell me what there experiences hasve been when they have
    been in an 'escalated' state with PTC?

    What do other users think about backward file compatability, error
    reporting, crash recovery, software updates without patches and
    auto-saving within Pro/ENGINEER sofware.

    Any comments good or bad on any of the above would be greatly
    jstewart, Dec 11, 2004
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