WildCat Video Cards

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ken Maren, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. Ken Maren

    Ken Maren Guest

    Anyone using the 3DLabs Wildcat VP880 or VP990? Could you please give a review?

    Ken Maren, Aug 24, 2004
  2. Ken Maren

    Scott Guest

    I test drove the 990 and I spent most of my time in a BSOD in XP. I can't
    support those cards because of that test run.

    Scott, Aug 24, 2004
  3. Ken Maren

    P Guest

    I had opportunity to use a VP990 retrofitted into a high end Dell for
    a couple months. I didn't really have any problems attributable to the
    card. The system was fast and somewhere I have the Ship in a Bottle
    benchmark. If I come across it, I'll post the times which were pretty

    In my experience Wildcat and Nvidia are the only two brands I would
    trust for SW although I know there are some diehard ATI folks out
    P, Aug 25, 2004
  4. Ken Maren

    kenneth b Guest

    i used to have vp870. had severe crashes when saving an assy (200+ parts)
    as a multi-body part. using an fx2000 now
    kenneth b, Aug 25, 2004
  5. Ken Maren

    Scott Guest

    Scott, Aug 25, 2004
  6. Ken Maren

    kenneth b Guest

    nice review. when we got the first fx2000 a while back, the only fx's at
    the time where 500, 1000 & 2000 (we just decided to stay with the old 2000
    for consistency). it never fails, as soon as you buy a high end piece of
    hardware, the next day a new better, faster & cheaper version comes out. :(
    kenneth b, Aug 25, 2004
  7. Ken Maren

    Scott Guest

    I thought maybe if you had just bought them, you could get the 1100 and
    return your 2000. But I guess not? Good luck!

    Scott, Aug 25, 2004
  8. Ken Maren

    Olly183 Guest

    I owned the VP880Pro for ~6weeks, I got my money back and went for the
    "128M Nvidia Quadro FX-1000 DDR2 AGP" no complaints with nvidia yet!

    with the Wildcat, the screen would often be corrupted, even to the
    extent that the bios screen was unreadable, 3dlabs suggested that the
    onboard memory was failing, I'd have to agree with them but i wasn't
    willing to try again with the same type of card!

    Maybe I was unlucky but while I researched my problem I came acroos
    lots of other people strugling with their Wilcat Cards. hence I asked
    for a refund as opposed to a replacement.

    Olly (UK)
    Olly183, Aug 26, 2004
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