Width and Length of a path

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Kevin Doherty, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. Hi,
    If I select a path how could I get Virtuoso to report the width and
    length of this path.. Could I then use this to report all paths width
    and length.. All paths have connectivity.

    Kevin Doherty, Mar 7, 2007
  2. Kevin Doherty

    vlsidesign Guest

    Here's a couple of things to get you going:

    1. select the path
    2. from the ciw window (command line) type the following:
    path1 = css()
    3. path1~>??

    The #2 adds the attributes to the path1 variable.
    The #3 will display all the attributes names and values. This should
    give you some useful information.

    To interactively see the paths attributes, use the Edit Properties
    menu to see the points and width of the path.
    vlsidesign, Mar 7, 2007

  3. The width of a path will be found by doing path1~>width . The length would be
    something like this:

    let((prevPoint len)
    foreach(point cdr(path~>points)
    len=sqrt((xCoord(point)-xCoord(prevPoint))**2.0 +
    (yCoord(point)-yCoord(prevPoint))**2.0) + len

    (I didn't test the above, just wrote it off the top of my head, so you'll
    want to check it's correct).

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 9, 2007
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