Why you dirty rotten.......

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Todd, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. Todd

    Todd Guest


    I thought that you all should know that someone out there is
    attempting to SELL the SolidWorks reference guide on EBAY.

    This document is available for FREE to solidworks subscription
    customers on the SW Corp website.

    If you aren't familiar with this, it's basically the Help
    documentation organized in a PDF document to faciliate printing for
    those that prefer a printed version. There's probably not much info
    here that isn't already in the help.

    The loser(s) selling this are selling printed B&W copies, but one
    states he "can send a CD if desired". One of them pretends that it's
    all the solidworks training and such in one book.

    Here are the links:



    If you're feeling like harassing someone today, why not visit the
    links and tell them to get a real job?

    If you want the guide, just visit the subscription site and you'll
    find it under downloads.



    Oh yeah and I just saw that someone is trying to sell SWX 2004 there
    as well, with serial numbers for $100 and claims "we are not
    scammers". Nice.
    Todd, Apr 6, 2004
  2. Todd

    MM Guest


    I don't have an E-bay account or I'd give him some "real" feedback.

    He's selling copyrighted material he doesn't own, and that's illegal.

    I'm gonna forward the links to SW.

    MM, Apr 6, 2004
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