why the two curve didn't match each other and how to get them match

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Richard, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    I'd appricated if anyone could help me.
    When generated a surface with (command "3dmesh" "4" "3" point11 point12
    point13 point21 point22 point23 point31 point32 point33 point41 point42

    (command "surfu" 100);

    (command "surfv" 80);

    (command "surftype" 6);

    and I want to draw the skeleton line of the surface, so I use(command
    "spline" point11 point12 point13 """"""); but the line that generated by
    ¡°spline¡± doesn¡¯t match (the same as) the mesh line that ¡°3dmesh¡±
    Richard, Nov 3, 2004
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