Why such an early release of 2008?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    It seems to me that SW is now continually putting new users in a
    position to have to learn to use the first release of SW without much
    experience base to help them get up to speed. What I am saying is that
    if company X decided to go with SW right now with 2008 just released
    they will be getting the buggy release and will not have a user base
    or even an experienced vendor base to fall back on. Why not give the
    customer what MicroSoft is now doing with XP, a choice to use the last
    good version or the bleeding edge new version of their OS. Would it
    hurt SW that much to do this and perhaps clean up an overstock of 2007
    CDs in the process?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    TOP, Oct 3, 2007
  2. TOP

    Dom Guest

    Recently I approached my vendor about getting another seat of
    Solidworks. At the moment there is only three of us using it, and we
    hotseat during the day. Its getting to the point now where we really
    need a second seat. We are still running SW2005 SP5.1 This is really
    stable for us and has all the functionality we need at the moment.
    There are perhaps some new sheetmetal tools that would be nice to have
    in 2008, but we can survive without them.

    So anyway the response from my vendor was that we would have to
    upgrade. We haven't been subscribing, so they want to charge us a
    fine to bring us up to date, then charge for the additional seat. Then
    keep us on subscription.
    seems excellent. However from a customer satisfaction point of view
    it is probably the quickest and most effective way to ensure that
    existing customers will come to hate the company with a major
    passion. I think this is because generally people like using
    Solidworks. And don't like being forced to do things they don't
    want. Subscription seems like a waste of time to me. In the past, I
    hardly ever spoke to my vendor about problems. They were always too
    slow in providing answers. The knowledge base on this newsgroup was
    all I ever really needed. The only thing it was good for were service
    packs. However I don't think you should have to pay for these anyway.

    I feel like the kid in the playground who the bully has taken my
    lunch, put worms in it, then made me eat it.
    Dom, Oct 3, 2007
  3. TOP

    ChamberPot Guest

    Buy it from a different vendor, and dont' tell them you've already got a
    seat. The other vendor will be happy for the bluebird, even without the
    subscription. SW resellers are arrogant enough to think they can get
    away with that kind of shit.

    ChamberPot, Oct 3, 2007
  4. TOP

    neil Guest

    well you know the answers to that already...

    confused goals and lack of reality testing
    locked into a short unrealistic development cycle
    playing out marketing fantasy battles with their competitors
    having a dependant VAR network
    pursuing profit and growth over quality
    managerial arrogance and 'slave to the dollar' 'yes man' 'recipe for
    success' thinking
    fear of change - comfort zone - stale thinking
    indifference from the majority of users - who as employees don't really
    lip service to customer relations and consultation because as professionals
    they know better and you are a nuisance to their plan
    your role is to buy early and patch often because you are a CAD jockey and
    nothing else.

    neil, Oct 3, 2007
  5. TOP

    mcfrede Guest

    Please do not hate me for being somewhat satisfied with 2008...
    I rolled out 2008 to all computers yesterday and so far, only one of
    us has had breakdowns (6 users, 4 seats, 1-2 breakdowns). Otherwise I
    am generally impressed, but then again, we upgraded from 2006 so of
    course we notice improvements on the bells and whistles side (and
    minor but very practical ones on functionality).

    Must admit, I have to agree though, it seems the downloadable version
    from SolidWorks homepage lacks some spit and polish (cosmosfloworks
    installation fails).
    mcfrede, Oct 3, 2007
  6. TOP

    neil Guest

    I couldn't care less about you :eek:)
    neil, Oct 3, 2007
  7. TOP

    jimsym Guest

    You can purchase a standalone SW2008 seat and get the Reg Codes to run
    SW2005. You don't need to update your existing seat as long as it is
    a standalone seat.

    OTOH, you can't add seats to a SW2005 network license. You can only
    add seats to an SNL that is current (now SW2008). You could still
    run SW2005 if you wanted to, but the license must be for the current

    Similarly, you can only upgrade licenses (to SW Office Prof, Premium,
    etc.) if the license is at the current release.
    jimsym, Oct 3, 2007
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