This is in my startup program: (defun c:fix( / x) (setq fixlst '( ("cmdecho" . 0)("blipmode" . 0)("plinegen" . 1)("plinetype" . 2) ("regenmode" . 1)("expert" . 5)("pickstyle" . 1)("savetime" . 15) ("sortents" . 48)("peditaccept" . 1)("edgemode" . 1)("splinetype" . 5) ("dimassoc" . 2)("offsetgaptype" . 0)("mirrtext" . 0)("treedepth" . 0) ("treemax" . 30000)("pellipse" . 1)("donutid" . 0) ) ) (mapcar '(lambda(x) (command "setvar" (car x) (cdr x))) fixlst) (princ)) (c:fix) ;run it Takes about 4 seconds to run. Whereas if I simply list all the setvars separately it takes no perceptable time. What am I doing wrong? rs